Saturday, February 11, 2006

the past week any beyond..

wow..can still remember my biology teacher Mr. tan(jireh lookalike) showed us pictures of 9-11 weeks..there was this small body with a coin(meant as a comparison) beside it..the foetus was no bigger than a 5(?) cent coin(not singapore)..there was blood everywhere and it took a for of a human being...well it was disgusting for some( strangely not for me..) i just found it sad..but did not puked..just looked and carry on copying the notes down(cold blooded) and after our common test, we will get to see a video on abortion using the vaccuum method..yep as in the foetus get literally sucked out of the counsin said they saw a video of a woman giving birth as in from the doctor's view..(my cousin is in RGS what...) anyway..still thinking of stuff to do for McMutton..and still not much ideas...haizzz...


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