Tuesday, June 20, 2006

My trip in malaysia!!! Day 1 and 2

woots.. sorry guys..long time no updates..
oh and sorry to the WGPalumni people for not attending the gathering on friday..
anyway, back to me life in malaysia with lots of tips..

Carried backpack and took a bus across causeway to take another bus at the Larkin terminal in J.B. reached at 9 plus..My bus was at 10 so watched a bit of soccer before boarding..
Boarded the bus which was thankfully relatively new..(i took a bone-shaker bus before..)
Tip#1: You're better off buying a bus ticket from Larkin.
Tip#2: Buy from a "branded company" like Konsortium/ Tranasional etc.
Arrived in the sleepy town called "Parit Buntar" at 6.18 a.m. yes..early in the morning!!! oh parit buntar is somewhere after ipoh..a very small town.. so went to godmother's house to sleep first..before going to eat Parit Buntar's famous BEEF NOODLES!!! I watched in disgust as flies hovered around the uncooked beef..which will then be dipped into boiling soup to cook..and then the guy used the same soup to wash the bowl..before pouring the same soup in..SO you are eating something which is cooked with the same thing.. The beef noodles was nice...though some beef were disgusting..like while eating the beef stomach..i was thinking about the cow chewing grass..swallowing..then vomitting it back up to be chewed again..(you get the idea..) and the cow does it like countless times? In the end..passed all the stomach/intestine to dad..and oh yeah..did i mention that there was this sandy noise when you scrapped the spoon against the bottom of the bowl?
Tip#3: When eating in Malaysia, especially in those coffeeshops and roadside stalls..keep yourself occupied..Whatever you do.. DON'T look at how the food is prepared..Just eat the food in front of you while forcing your mind not to think about flies hovering above the uncooked food/dirty fingernails toucking your food..Trust me..just enjoy the food..

Now for day 3 and 4 in the following post.. haha


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