Saturday, June 09, 2007


Breakfasted at 8.. almost couldn't wake up cos i played pool till so late last night.. then it was time for the Scavenger hunt.. :)) we have to travel all over Shanghai looking for clues and asking people for directions.. Each group had to make their way to the finishing line!!

We started at Jing An park.. had to look for Indonesia in JingAn park which was kinda weird cos we're in china.. so we went round and round and round.. then we saw it!! It's a restaurant called Bali Sarung or something like that. Took pictures of it and had to find a bronze dude with a bowler hat somewhere outside the park. Headed back to the Tourist infomation centre and the lady told us to just keep walking straight and we should be able to find it without crossing the road. So we did. We walked straight on and reached a junction. Because she said we do not need to cross the road, we turned right and went one big entire round around the whole construction site. Along the long journey, we saw this couple quarrelling and we were all waiting for them to start slapping and spitting at each other.. but they didn't.. so we continued walking and ended at the starting point.. We were all like dang pissed.. so we decied to go for lunch.. LuHan decied to buy an ice cream along the way, cost like RMB 3..very cheap..

Along the way to Burger King, we saw some discs that were going at only RMB 5!! hahahha and that was the first price they gave.. poor YiWen.. he bought the exact same ones at RMB 12 per disc after bargainning.. hahahaha and that was when we found the bronze dude by accident.. he was just a few metres away from the person peddling the discs. Like wth.. the lady at the tourist infomation centre gave us the wrong info!! She herself said no need to cross the road but the bronze dude was across the road!! ARGH, should have realised that crossing roads in china is the same as not crossing roads. You just walk.. no need to stop and wait for the green man to flash or anything. ARGh! So we lunched at Burger King just opposite.. dang cheap.. RMB 21 for a Whopper meal.. Poor LuHan realised he got scammed again.. Burger king sold ice cream for only RMB 2.50.. we all came to the conclusion that LuHan is definitely 101% always scammed.

Bowler hat!!!! :)

Yay, we finally got onto the metro and travlled to XinTianDi to look for the next clues. Got the clues, and travlled to the Shanghai science & technology museum.. wow.. it's dangg cool.. omgomgomg and a bee realised i was as sweet as honey and attacked me!! i was running and screaming like mad.. hahahaha not cool. Last stop was the new Xiangyuan Market that had gone underground. Bought some stuff again. Dang cool, i helped the rest to bargain for the shoes from RMB 200+ to RMB 80.. hahaha i love bargainning!! so coool..

Something we saw on the metro.. be careful!!! XDD

Something at the Science & technology museum.. dang cool.. :)

Dinner was lousy.. the food tasted like crap.. I had to hurry out the business plan and script during dinner. Back at the hotel, the time for the business plan presentaion arrived. Ms. Tracy Goh was kind enough to tell us to wear formal clothes because it was going to be a formal business plan presentation. So the whole of Stealth group wore polo striped shirts, all tucked in. The presentation was held in the hotel's conference room. We were the last group to present our proposal. It went very smoothly without a hitch. George made everyone laugh by using chinese. And then it was intermission. George and i hurried down to the hotel store to buy a present for Kathleen and Claudine. We ended up buying Snuff bottles that had the 4 beauties painted on the inside of them. Luckily, there were only 2 sets left. We bought both of it for RMB 300, which is dang cheap.

The snuff bottles we bought!! dang nice right? hahahaha i still prefer 4 of ur pictures though.. XD
Had to rush back to my room to place them in a safe place and had to rush back for the announcement of the best business plan. Guess who won? US!!!! hahahahaha so happy that Stealth won. All the judges agreed that our business plan would definitely succeed in China. hahahaha made me feel like investing in our plan and turning into super-rich billioniares in a year. hahahhaha back to earth* So we won ourselves an uncarved seal and a map of China. Did the Stealth group clap to celebrate.

The teachers told us we could go party till the cows come home but we need to wake up in time for breakfast the following morning. So we decided to go play pool again!! i played till 12 plus and went back to pack with a few others. Should have stayed a while more cos Mr. Gary Sim came at around 1 a.m. to play too. I heard he's quite good. The rest played till 3 a.m. plus and went back to the hotel to play Taiti. hahahahhaha Mr. Gary sim kept losing. hahahaha

Wheew.. going home tomorrow.. will miss this place a lot.. :(
Day 10 below!!


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