Friday, February 17, 2006

diploma in entreprise development!

wow...i got in! top 21 students are eligible fior this programme and i got in! haha actually 30 but there were only 21 who were originaly eliugible..but since the contract states that there should be 30, well to say it in a bad way- the other 9(hao pu and freddie) were space fillers...haha woots i am so bad...haha but anyway..i am so excited on getting in..lectures atre every sat ERC..with glass walls overlooking the singapore it's more of a lounge than a classroom..with the cool air con blowing over head..and those puffy eyes..your head nods..and nods..and eyes start closing...suddenly your head slums forward...and start looking for your dropped sheet of paper on the ground..haha what were you thiking of? how could you sleep? its a diploma course!!! haha


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