Monday, August 21, 2006

marks are back..

oh god.. received my chem and math results 71.25 for chem and lets see..err..17/42 for math? Okie, due to the unfair reduction of 15 mins, the math department decided to moderate the marks by reducing the demoninator by 8...which hath no logic to it..The math teachers almost seem sadistic 15 mins, the number of marks lost is definetely not 8!! it's at least 10? now.. considering that loads of people failed, they should add 8 to your score, rather than subtracting 8 from the 50. if they had plus 8, it would benefit everyone..they seem rather reluctant to do this..wonder why..and Mr. Anthony Khoo wanted to make the it upon 45..sadistic cur..They should have added 8!! that way,. i would have passed..then again..even if someone gets 35/ would help if he gets 8 marks added..35+8=43/50=86%..however..if you subtracted 8, it would be 35/42, giving you a percentage of 83.3..that 3 marks is a HUGE difference..why can't they just take pity on us students by giving us 8 more marks? This show the unfairness..of course..this is my opinion and it may not neccesarily be true..then again..every dude in my class feels like that too...dang pissed off at those teachers..this will only make more people detest math..which does not have a very good reputation...

Yesterday was a sad day.. my 2 hamsters died..of old sad..they're so cute..nevermind..must go get some more..

Yeah, so tended to the class plant today..hao pu was slacking somewhere else when he ahd to bring the plant out for its daily dose of sunshine..say say say..gardening is actually quite fun!! Seeing the plant grow under your tender care is quite's fun to talk to the plant..haha signs of insanity..

Yeah..oh no..guitar exam in September..god..still not really sure of the notes..quite difficult if i only pratise like 50 mins a to commit the strings to muscle memory..must switch strings and fingers like mad..Must learn 2 songs by heart..El Condo Pasar and Quien Sera/Sway..i think i will play the melody..easier than the chords..And must sing while playing..sure will sound a bit weird..say say say..i wanna get a's quite nice..though takes years to really be good..

Yeah..oh and MATH STINKS!!!


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