Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Oh yesterday on the way back after the movie, we squeezed onto the bus and the guys were at the back while the girls were in front.. so there was this guy and his son sitting on the bus and he started laughing really loud to amuse his son who's quite young.. hahahhaha his laugh is kinda like George's and mine combined (for those in the know, you can guess how weird that sounds..)yeah so imagine this grown man guffawing quite loudly on a rather crowded bus and his son giggles back in amusement..and it went on for quite a while.. i know, seems quite spastic of the guy.. hahahahaha the girls thought it was us even though it wasn't..

But somehow i thought that the guy wasn't spastic at all.. i thought he was quite sweet to entertain his child in a different way even in the face of public mockery.. i mean everyone was turning their heads round trying to detect the source of the laughter.. but i still think it's real cool of him.. in fact i don't think many fathers would actually publicly show their love for their child, no matter how unique the method is.. hahahhaha i support him!! :D reminds me of my dad!!

then aik hwee and the rest were trying to imitate him by imitating his laughter audibly loud.. like wth? so mean of them.. hahahahahah yea..

And i got a new nick yesterday.. cos i was wearing my house t-shirt with "Michael" splayed on the back.. so Cheryl and yingyu started calling me michael.. hahahahahhah
luckily i'm not in "Marcian" house.. :P

dang today me and my dad couldn't sneak off to malaysia to play pool cos mom wanted to go to the bank.. :( so we'll try tomorrow to try to sneak off.. heheheheh XD oh and i introduced my dad to the rubik's cube today!! and he's not bad with it.. hahahahah :)

YAY! i'm planning on investing in some shares with my dad!! like round $1000 of my savings.. and my dad's okay with it!! hopefully we can get picked during the drawing round if we decide to invest.. time to go scout round for some deals.. :D



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