Tuesday, October 09, 2007

YAY!! exams are finally over.. actually they were over last thursday... hahahahha i'm just too lazy to blog.. yeps.. been slacking around this few days.. i think i've left my body imprint on the sofa.. basically watched t.v. and played poker with dad every night..

yeps.. so went to the corporate office on sat for the first lecture on mentoring.. our lecturer was Dr. Veera Maraj..(you can google her name if you're curious..) hahahhaha yeps.. the lecture was quite alright..

went to carrefour at suntec on sunday.. they were selling this styrofoam-ish swords and plastic shields.. and my dad was being dang spastic.. he wanted to spar using those swords in public.. yeps.. he did something out of the movies.. like those scenes where the person throws a sword at his defenceless opponent and expects the opponent to pick it up and fight.. yeah.. i was the "opponent".. then on the travellator up, he picked up another sword and "hacked" away at me.. yeps.. so if you happened to see a grown man swashbuckling with a teen using foam swords at suntec on sunday, now you know who those two were.. hahhahahahhaha seems like the spastic trait runs in the blood.. hahahahhahahha i feel like buying those foam swords.. it's only $2 each.. :P

had sec 4 farewell's assembly on monday.. we finally got to sit on the second level of the hall!!! though i was standing due to the lack of space.. omg a few teachers are leaving SJI... Mr. Sydney Tan is retiring, which is real sad.. Ms. Mara is also leaving, which means there goes one of the best history teachers around.. yeps.. :(
there was a lecture in the evening and we got a new lecturer!! she's ms sufhee abidi.. she speaks with this real thick indian accent which is real cool.. :D

yeps.. going to play pool tomorrow at le meriden before going for another lecture.. dang.. xiangan supposed to bring his ..... along but ..... couldn't come.. oh wells.. hahahahha

oh thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday!! appreciate it!! :D



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