Sunday, September 02, 2007


Woke up at 05 55 as usual and assembled on the big "H" of the parade square.. did the usual p.t. and wake-your-friends-up games but this time we played some really weird squirrel game.. right.. hahahahhaha omg zippy has some seriously crazy ideas..

so today was land expedition.. we were no longer normal participants.. we were now rangers.. hahahahhaha according to abidin that is.. yeps, bryant, vivaldi and i were made the land expedition leaders.. i was the chief navigator.. yeps.. so we were about to set off when it started raining and cat 1 warning was issued.. so we all lazed around under the shed opposite the instructors' lodge and most of us just slept.. craps, woke up with a rather stiff neck from sleeping on the ground.. then it was finally time to go!! We gathered up all our backpacks, tents and sticks and started doing pacing..

while we were walking through the forest in search of the 4 checkpoints that will lead us to the "hidden oasis", we started singing and azriel and keith started doing spongebob imitations.. hahahahhahaha both of them were really spastic.. poor keith, he was literally spamming himself with insect repellent but those mozzies still came.. woots.. we got a bit lost while finding our first checkpoint cos i read the map wrongly.. XD so we had to seek some help from narf and backtrack to the junction to go and search for another trail.. finally we found it.. took us a while to find the small yellow sign pegged to the tree.. then we had to play an activity to earn our clue for that checkpoint.. it's called key punch.. basically we arranged our life vests in random order and we had to punch the numbers on the life vests in order without verbal or physical communications..

That's our first clue!! contained a map piece..

so onto our second checkpoint which was found a rather short distance away from the first.. we had to play a game called tarp flip.. basically flipping the tarp over onto its other side without anyone touching the ground.. fortunately, my watch has only 14 people as compared to the usual 16 for other watches, so that made doing the tarp flip easier..

2nd clue!! contained 3 pieces of cardboard with 3 letters on each "S", "A" and 'N"

next checkpoint was freaking faraway.. all the way to the other side of pulau ubin.. passed the reservoir again.. omg had to push everyone on because we were running out of time.. we had to be back in camp 1 by 3.30 p.m... yeps.. so went to the jetty.. couldn't really find the sign.. calculated coordinates and double checked still couldn't find it.. narf told us to look nearer the jetty.. did so and found the sign!! i think the coordinates were slightly off.. cos we were at least 30m from the sign.. we didn't do our activity there in the forest cos it was too cramped.. went back to camp 1, where our last checkpoint was, to do it.. the 3rd activity was called "stone jungle". basically each of us picking up a stone each and by only using our left hands, passing it around the circle without any dropping for 3 consecutive times.. hahahahah we had a lot of fun doing this..

that's our 3rd activity.. it contained a paper that stated "look for a weaved cube"..

finally our 4th checkpoint was somewhere in camp 1.. found it at the place outside the multi purpose hall.. that was where we played the "stone jungle" and "helium stick", which was our last activity. for helium stick we had to lower a hula-hoop from chest level to the ground using only one index finger.. completed it after a few tries..

4th clue.. received a paper that said "one for all, all for one" which is basically the words etched onto the wall behind us... hahahha

so albeit being a bit lost and tired, we managed to reach all 4 checkpoints, complete all 4 activities and yet still coming in FIRST!!! YAY FOR KURT!! hahahahaha in fact we were so early, narf asked us to go back to our dormitories and shower first..

went down to the canteen for a warm, cooked and proper dinner!!! hahahahaha after dinner, narf brought us to our 1st night campsite and explained what has happened to 2 watches from camp 2: apparently they got lost while out on sea expedition and were tri-yaking through a mangrove swamp.. the tides changed and the water receded so they were left paddling on mud.. they had to start carrying their tri-kayaks through mud and they were on the other side of pulau ubin facing johore.. without dry clothing, tents and food.. their instructors radioed for help and the 4 camp 1 watches: Bo Sheng, Marshal, Munshi and Kurt(us) were asked to help carry their back packs and tents from the camp 1 site to the safety boat so the 2 watches that were stuck could at least make camp somewhere.. we were all quite worried bout the 2 watches cos trudging through mud and carrying a tri-yak is so not fun at all.. Later on(the next day), we found out that they had actually walked around 1.6km carrying their tri-yaks and found a npcc campsite that was nice enough to give them shelter for a night.. so they got to shower and sleep in bunks.. hahahahahah we all thought that they would have to sleep in their tri-yaks and in wet mdudy clothes.. but cheers to them!!

so after helping move the stuff onto the safety boats, we gathered at "orchard road" to try to solve the location of the "hidden artifact" using the clues that each watch had earned.. the map piece showed the island of pulau ubin and a part of singapore, the letters added up to "SEMBAWANG", the pieces of paper gave a brief outline of the route and every watch received the same "one for all, all of one" paper.. so we had to travel to sembawang during our sea expedition and find "a weaved cube".. Before dismissing us for supper(yeps.. warm delicious supper!!!), the instructors asked each watch to nominate 2 guys who will be the sea expedition leaders for the following 2 days.. oh and the hidden oasis that abidin was talking about referred to the toilets found in camp 1.. err right..

we got warm green bean soup for supper.. yummy!! :D hahahhahaha ronald and i were the 2 nominated from Kurt(our watch) to be the sea expedition leaders, Munshi nominated amerpal and gabriel, Marshall nominated edmond and arun, Bo Seng nominated jia lei and sean. when everyone else had been briefed on what to bring the next morning and dismissed, the 8 sea expedition leaders had to stay back and discuss the positions.. jia lei and sean would be the navigators cos both of them are in scouts, edmond and arun were the port side markers, amerpal and gabriel were the starboard side markers and ronald and i were the sweepers.. hahahahahahah with that, we had to go back to our dormitories and start packing..


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