Sunday, July 29, 2007

COoool.. SJI bagged prizes in all 4 categories of the Lit festival on saturday!! Mrs Beryl Ang and Mr. Ghazali will be treating us all to lunch!!! YAY!! :)

attended precision drill squad(PDS) training on thursday.. yeps.. when everyone else were taking advantage of the early release and going town.. it was raining cats and dogs and water.. and the bus driver wouldn't reverse to fetch us from the school gate.. so alec, damien and i had to run 70m towards it in the rain in our full no.4 and bags.. :( was dripping like a tap when we finally got on the bus.. luckily the rain stopped before the training started if not we would be spinning rifles in the rain.. not a very pleasant thought.. wow.. found out we are actually practising to perform during the SAF open house.. nvr knew that.. our instructor was a master sergeant from the MP PDS.. he's real good at it. omg the rifles are dang cool.. i think they are mark v rifles.. and they are real old.. dating back to world war 1/2? They are even heavier than the rifles used now.. Cooool.. some people had rifle parts dropping off the rifle.. yeps.. they are antiques.. wheew.. training was fun but tough.. we had to hold the rifle in the same position till everyone had the same angle before we proceeded to the next step and my arms almost fell off cos it was so cramped up.. now it's okay though.. took a few days to recover..

had a very slack training on friday.. played soccer and practised the pds routine with the school's wooden rifle, which is a not very accurate representation of the real PDS rifle.. thought of a few moves to be added into our performance routine.. yeps.. we have to perform during the next school event.. cooool.. i came up with this dancing round your rifle thingy which both alec and i thought was rather spastic..

common tests are so close i can hear their breaths.. sigh.. must go mug..

hmm..wonder why u don't come online nowadays.. u must be busy..


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