Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Young Enterpreneruship challenge-national enterprise convention on saturday was quite fun!!! went to singapore polytechnic for the workshop.. woots realised i slotted in Terence instead of tze yang.. woops.. hahahah omg we need to come up with a business proposal by 13th july!! Big problem there.. cos we do not even have any idea of what to sell!! ARGH.. hahahaha must go cook up some weird invention...

MILKRun was fun!!! :) hahahaha was kept busy througout the whole of sunday just because of the stall.. hahahah everything was rather messy especially in the first part: the ice and drum were delivered wrongly, the ice were melting very fast cos i was too near them.. hahahahhahha XP, i had to order more drums to store the extra ice, ice mountain was sold out even though they were giving it for free somewhere else, had a lot of coke and sprite and green tea left over!! dang.. now i must re-sell it during anniversary parade which is on 07/07/07..(oh if u are thinking of buying a drink on that day, come on down to SJI at around 5+p.m., and buy a drink!! :D

i miss shanghai like mad!!!! :(



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