Sunday, June 10, 2007


woke up early today to go for lessons at the Suzhou No.10 school. Had a lesson on Suzhou's history.. i love that school.. it's so big and nice.. The lesson was rather dry and i almost slept.. hahhahahaha

we had lunch after that lesson. we were supposed to go to Suzhou Industrial Park after that but the bus broke down.. so we were given free time to go wander around while waiting for another bus to come along. i bought some stuff at some shop.. hahahha arrived back in time before the bus pulled off..

We finally arrived at Suzhou Industrial park. It's huge and very nice. It's a joint venture between Singapore and China and we were supposed to have 70% of the shares while China has 30%. But along the way, we got played out and we ended up transferring 40% over to the Chinese consortium. Yeps.. we pumped in millions of money into it and lost a lot. We moved to the big conference room..and there's this Chinaman talking to us about the SIP and he was rapping away.. the teachers did warn us that we might fall asleep.'s true.. even the replies he gave were rappy.. turns out that he had memorised the entire script and has said the same dialogue to every single investor that goes to SIP. wow.

Then we went over to Jia Sheng's dad's company located in one of the many buildings that SIP has. His business is a joint venture between him and a Belgian firm called Bekaert. They do industrial coating. He showed us one machine that costs US$1.5 million.. that's like wowzers.. hahahaha omg he was even kind enough to give us samples of some of the things he does. So we got CD moulds, which are useless without the proper machinery. hahahhaa i gave mine to someone..

We proceeded to Shanghai immediately after the SIP visit. took us a while to finally get out of SIP and into was a few hours ride before we finally reached Shanghai.. Shanghai is dang nice.. it's like both colonial and modern buildings exist together. We were given time off to go and eat on our own. We almost got lost on the way to KFC which was a good long walk from the hotel. We were staying at the Dorure international hotel which has translucent glass doors and walls for the toilet.. quite weird.. it had this cool machine in the lobby that helps u clean ur shoes!! so cooool!!!

Had debriefing and played taiti for a while before sleeping.. very tired..

Day 7 below..


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