Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Interesting Things that took place!! hahahahha(Edit)

Wheew.. i'm back from China.. miss it a lot.. miss u a lot.. hahahahahha not sure miss which one more.. hahahahahha k

Lotsa stuff took place over the course of 10 days and these are all of it!!! Ready?

1) Our favourite game----->Taiti!! omg they were playing taiti almost every night.. hahahahah i wasn't cos i was bowling, pooling, sleeping, ironing(details are in later posts..) hahahahah sometimes they play RMB 0.50 per card left.. hahahaha

Taiti in action using Ghost cards!! :)

2) Our 2nd favourite game----> INDIAN POKER!!! hahahahahhaha i introduced this game to the rest.. hahahahha Me, yiwen, tim and junteng were playing it on the second night and poor tim had to drink a lot.. hahahaha me and junteng escaped with only having to drink once or twice.. In the middle of the game, tim had to go toilet.. so we came up with this evil plan to arrange the cards.. so he would lose.. he has already drunk like 4/5 cups? hahahahha so we arranged the cards.. and he came back.. and guess who lost? TIM!!! hahahahahha so he was about done drinking his 5/6 cup when i was like "err.. how many more rounds?" Junteng was like "2.." I was like "not 2.. still got 3 more.. this round voided..cos the cards were arranged.." At this point, Tim just stoned there.. hahahahaha then he realised he had drunk another cup of water for nothing!!! hahahahahahaha but he was too bloated with water to kill anyone of us.. so evil of us.. muhahahahahahha :P poor tim.. Then Junteng was like "I'm thirsty" cos he haven't drunk a single cup yet.. then the next round he lost!!! hahahahaha so he had to drink... hahahahahha he just cursed himself.. The other groups that played INDIAN POKER on the other nights used "Honey water" as punishment.. ahhahahah i think it's Coke + water + sprite? hahahahhha

3)Our Favourite Activity---->TAUPOK!!!! A lot of Taupoks took place in Shanghai.. hahahaha k here is one of the most memorable ones.. Note: Taupok is a very fun activity that aids community bonding.. All taupoks carried out are carefully controlled to make sure the guy getting taupoked is not going to be injured. Please carry out all Taupoks carefully!!

It's called Runescape cos the target is Ryan Singh.. His initials are RS, hence Runescape. No one really likes him so he was the first target.. The original plan was for the taupok party to be in room 1404 in Dorure International hotel in Shanghai.. I would call Ryan's room, inviting him and jonathan up to play "runescape".. Jonathan is part of the Taupok party too.. hahahaha so when everyone is hiding and ready, a few of us would pretend to play taiti on the bed when Ryan comes.. When he enters, there are 2 plans: Plan A, Timothy would shoot at Ryan and that would act as a trigger to make Ryan run into the room and then we would pull him on the bed and Taupok him.. Plan B: When Ryan walks in, Jonathan would push him forward and we would drag him on the bed and taupok him!! hahahaha but then again, we were taught a valuable lesson that day.. Things often do not go according to plan.. I called Ryan and he didn't wanna come.. so George was like "let's go to him!!" Ryan stayed on the 13th floor. So the whole gang went to the lift and guess who we met coming up? It was Ryan and Jonathan!! So we were all shocked and ran back to 1404.. Ryan came running after us.. he still didn't know bout anything yet.. K so the plan wasn't going to work cos he was already inside and sitted.. So i had to make up Plan C.. which was something like.."k now everyone's here.. let's play Runescape!! K first take off your shoes cos we are going to stand on the bed.." Everyone did. "K, now take off your specs in case they break.." This was like a God sent opportunity.. In the original plan, after taupoking him, someone needs to pull Ryan's specs off before more people jump on top.. So now there was no need to pull off his specs while keeping him pinned down cos he took it off himself.. "K now everyone get onto the bed" Knowing Ryan, he will probably jump onto the bed first, which he did.. then it was time.. we all shouted "Project Runescape!!!!" and Lu Han dragged Ryan down and everyone went on top.. hahahahahah it was dang fun... but Ryan wasn't Taupoked properly cos his head was sticking out of the bed while it should have been his whole body on the bed.. so we couldn't put too many people on top.. ahhahahaa i was kinda slow in taking pictures.. i was like "wait wait haven't take yet!!" while they were all getting up.. hahahaha still managed to get a pic though.. :) hahahaha Ryan was okay with everything and we went on to plan other Projects.. XD

Project Maplestory/Gorilla:
Maplestory refers to Brian Har who is crazy over maplestory and everyone wanted to taupok him for fun, especially Lu han, his roommate.. Gorilla is Zhi Xun who is hated by everyone.. Project Gorilla didn't take place cos we all knew that he would go and tell the teachers after being Taupoked.. dang.. Project Maplestory was around the same as Project Runescape.. but not on the same scale cos Brian is quite small.. The taupok room is always 1404.. So he was already there and a few taupoked him and it ended like a few seconds after he got taupoked.. not very fun..

Project Terence Lim:
hahahahahhaha k this isn;t much of a project.. A taupok plan is only deemed a project if it's planned in secrecy.. terence lim knew about the taupok way ahead of time.. hahahhahaha Justin loves taupoking terence lim.. hahahahah cos he's dang spastic and funny.. so he was always being taupoked in the rooms when we played Taiti.. hahahahha There was this incident in Shanghai though.. we all agreed to taupok Terence on the 14th floor where we all stayed.. He was like "no..no.." he wasn't really given much of a choice though.. So outside our rooms, there's this empty space where u can go there and talk or whatever.. we used it to taupok him.. hahahahha poor terence.. he's always getting taupoked.. hahahhahah he's so spastic, when i told him that Alex bought a plastic gun shooting those bullets with suction cups on the end of them, he immediately ran out of my room and was like "HEY I WANNA GET SHOT!! SHOOT ME!! SHOOT ME!!!" hahahahaha dang spastic guy..

This is Terence!!

And this is Terence getting Taupoked!! hahahah i was kinda slow in taking the pic. XD

On the last 2 nights, we had this small taupok group comprising me, yiwen, justin and brandon. We all taupoked each other first before moving from room to room to taupok others.. hahahahahhaha Justin came up with this method of taupoking called "Guerrilla method" in which u squeeze that guy's ass while taupoking him.. yea i know.. kinda weird.. only justin and yiwen did this method.. hahahaha Then we went to 1403, where Alexander and the rest were busy taupoking each other and we joined in taupoking everyonne.. Of course, to be fair, everyone must get taupoked once.. Alex came up with this new Taupok move called Reversal.. in which the first "taupoker" becomes the "taupokee".. it is done when someone jumps on top of you.. and u immediately roll to the side and jump on top of him.. hahahahahha very good way to bait your victim to taupok u... hahahahhahahhahahahah XD


4) hahahahahhaha LuHan accidentally got his clothes laundried for free!! He left his clothes in an NTUC plastic bag and the chambermaid took it thinking that he wanted it laundried.. Laundry was meant to be left in the specific laundry bag.. So the total cost for the whole laundry was RMB 180 and LuHan had only RMB 50 left in his wallet after only like 5 or 6 days.. hahahahha he spent a lot of food.. I think the management admitted it was an oversight on their part and did not charge him for the laundry.. dang coool.. hahahahahah LuHan is also quite unlucky.. he's always getting scammed.. He bought a pig lighter at the Hangzhou night market and found out that he could get the exact for a whole lot cheaper in Shanghai.. He bought an ice-cream for RMB 3 and found he could get one for only RMB 2.50 at another place.. hahahahahha he bought shirts for RMB 84 and found out that he could get it for RMB 50 elsewhere.. hahahahahhahah he's always being teased bout getting scammed.. hahahahha he's dang scared to ask for the prices now cos he scared later the prices are lower.. hahahahahhah XD

5) On the 3rd or 4th day, Kathleen came over and sat with us(The Black Dogs) for dinner..hahahahhahaha we were the only table that had no teacher sitting with us until then.. hahahahha from that meal onwards, no other teacher came to sit with us anymore.. hahahahhaah wonder why.. must be the jokes and comments.. hahahahahahah then on the 9th day, she came and sat with us again.. she looked a bit hesistant before sitting down.. hahahahhahaha we are a traumatising group..

6) There was this restaurant we went to for lunch on the 6th day.. it was just after the Suzhou school visit and we needed to change out of our uniforms..As usual the Black Dogs ate together.. each room had one table and each room could be serperated from each other using the sliding doors. So that's what we did. As Tzeyang pulled the doors close, 2 cockroaches scurried out and the hysteria began.. Everyone was screaming and stuff.. then Junteng was throwing the red dates around and screaming "Cockroach!!!" They really do look like cockroaches at first glance.. hahahahah we are one weird group..

7) It was at MacDonald's in Suzhou.. Stealth and Brightsparks were eating together.. so 10 of us in MacDonald's. Yiwen was at the counter ordering and he wanted some Chilli.. so he cupped his fingers and said "La Jiao".. The waiter gave him salt in a cup... HAAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH dang hilarious.. hahahahaha k on to incident 2.. So Yiwen had no use for the salt but Justin did.. He borrowed some Ketchup, squirted the Ketchup and some Coke onto the salt and waved his hand over it. Then he was like "George!!! come quickly!! There's heat from the chemical reaction!! Quick!!" So George comes running over, put his hand over the pile of mixed ingredients and was like "What heat? Where?" At this point, Justin and the rest slammed his hand into the pile and it kinda splattered.. hahahahahhahahahaha George just got pranked!!! hahahahahhahaha Justin is soooo evil.. luckily i was just watching from another table.. hahahahhaha dang bad of Justin.. and to think George lent him the Ketchup..

That is Superstar GEORGE!!! hahahahha XD and don't say "where?" :P

lalalala i really miss those fun times we had in China...and i really miss the weather in China..not the pollution though.. i really miss the prices in China.. i miss everything bout China but there's something here that cannot be found in China----> you... :)

Detailed day posts are below...10 days in total!!


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