Monday, June 11, 2007


Woke up slightly later this morning.. ahhahaha we were going to Lion Forest or ShiZiLin.. and omg it's dang nice.. One of the Qing Emperors had been there before and had written only 2 words to describe it---> Zhen Qu or Truly interesting. This is a must-see for anyone who goes to Suzhou!! There are a lot of rock formations jutting out here and there and you are allowed to climb up, down, in and out of it!! the weather was also very cool.. We had to do a treasure trail activity in the park and we were purposely misleading all the other groups by stopping at some unimportant place and pretending to take pictures.. hhahahahah.. we reached the last point in the second place!!! YAY!!

Emperor Qianlong's words.. i find it truly interesting..pun intended.. :P

Next stop was the Suzhou No.1 silk mill.. i finally got to touch a silkworm!! they are so soft and small and cute!!! hahahaha the guide said that they taste like peanuts.. which i did not confirm.. hahahahha they brought us to the production line where we could see the cocoons being boiled up and silk strands being pulled.. the smell was kinda weird and disgusting.. they also brought us to another part of the mill where they showed sik strands being converted into sheets of silk and designs being painted on it.. Dang cool.. So unlike the silk factory i went to in Guilin..


The kunqu opera museum was pretty dead.. cos no one really watches it now.. even though it was the mother of operas in china.. yeps.. i wanted to watch it but Mr. lee said the previous batch almost fell asleep while watching 1 scene.. cos 1 scene is 20mins.. and they need 1 scene to say "The weather today is very nice, let's go out and view the fishes in the lake".. Not a surprise that they almost fell asleep..hahahahhaha but i still wanna see it!! they took it off the itinerary this year cos they were scared that we may just fall asleep before the performers even finish talking about the breeze..

The next one was the new Suzhou Museum designed by I M Pei.. that isn't his real name.. his surname is Pei. So when he went to U.S. people asked him for his name and he said "I am Pei." So they thought his name was I M Pei. hahahahha weird.. yeps.. the museum was a very nice place to visit too.. Even though it's new, it doesn't stick out from the rest of the old buildings beside it like an eyesore.. The architectural design of the museum makes it blend in while retaining its modern identity.. I M Pei was the same guy who designed the Lourve in Paris. cooool.. the museum is also connected to Zhong Wang Fu..which was the home of some very loyal dude.. i think..

We proceeded to Shan Tang Jie which is like Clarke Quay, except a whole lot quieter and emptier.. they are still constructing a lot of stuff there.. so it's pretty new.. and something interesting happened.. We, as in the Black Dogs, were walking in a group along the waterfront.. we saw a group of teenagers having a picnic there.. and when they saw George, they all went nuts!! hahhahaha the girls were all squealing and pulling at the guys to look at George. hahahahha They even invited us to go over but George was too shy and walked away.. hahahahaha dang coool.. hahahaha then we were walking like bodyguards with George in the middle.. hahahahha and when we were leaving on the bus, guess whom we saw? the same group!! and this time George waved at them.. hhahahahahhaha dang funny...

Yay.. back to the hotel after dinner and it was time again for bowling!!! wheeww... once again we bowled and i got the highest score!!! hahahahaha wheeew.. my arms were aching though.. so we went back to my room to iron and watch another horror movie on HBO.. it was kinda tough ironing your uniform on a table.. hahahahha kinda weird too..

Day 5 below..


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