Sunday, June 24, 2007


omgomgomgomg holidays are going to be over in a few hours.. luckily my holiday homework are more or less completed.. hahahahah except the projects which have collected a lot of dust.. must start doing them once school reopens which is tomorrow.. rather depressing thought.. hahahahah nvm, must look at it positively!! School is fun!! But lessons are not.. :( hahahahahahhah

yay, i managed to watch the 2 films of the Ju-on series. hahahahah omgomgomg it's dang funny and's not scary at all.. :( i kept laughing when the boy appears.. he's quite cute!! and i still can't draw any conclusions after watching the whole thing.. hahahahha

omg school's starting tomorrow and it's going to be a hectic week.. i still have to go discuss the stall for the MilkRun on Sunday.. Dang.. my logistics are found wanting.. it's real tough organinsing..

sometimes i wonder if i should still clutch at this straw.. to continue or not to continue.. a sign would be good..



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