Sunday, August 05, 2007

had a lot of fun yesterday at edward's farewell party.. reached there at round 5.30.. proceeded to start cooking as "Chef".. hahahha we had lots of fun barbequing the chicken wings... George was supposed to fan the fire, but he ended up fanning the chicken.. Xiangan took a bite out of one chicken wing to test whether it was cooked and threw it back with the rest.. had to seclude his chicken in a corner..but lost sight of it after a while.. so i guess someone might have found his chicken to taste abit weird.. hmmm.. hahaha yeps..

after the bbq, we started the whole performance.. we played SJI charades, where basically u had to act a teacher of a student and people would guess.. yea.. lotsa funny imitations.. then george did his stand-up comedy bout people in our class.. hahahahaha the one bout ruizhi a.k..a Junior Josephian was hilarious.. hahahahha then they started singing "Perfect" by Simple Plan, which is kinda like 333's class anthem.. yeps.. we're cool.. then it was time to cut the cake as we celebrated George's, Edwards' and er...Singapore's birthday.. hahahhaha dang fun..

The best part however was after the cake.. i didn't really wanted to go into the pool but what the heck, it's gonna be fun.. so i offered to be dunked after amos got dunked.. cooool.. timothy tjakrawrinata and keith? dunked me into the pool by lifting me up by my arms and legs and swinging me hammock-style into the pool.. it's quite coool when u hit the water.. not pain at all.. rather cooling.. hahahhhaa then we started acting like navy seals.. a few of us would suddenly surface and drag people into the pool... hahahahhaha dang fun.. but many got away cos they claimed that they didn't have extra clothes.. dang.. suddnely.. junteng's soccer ball flew into the poool and he flew into the pool and we started playing captain's ball in the pool.. yeps the pool wasn't so deep.. 1.7m so i could kinda stand in the pool.. hhahhahahaha captain's ball was dang fun.. amos tried pulling my pants down at one time and junteng was all over me... hahahahha then qijian would heckle amos by splashing water around amos.. hahhahaha we ended the game at round 2130h.. and i'm glad to say.. WE WON!!! woohooo!!! hahahahhaha next time after common tests, we're definitly gonna play captain's ball in the pool again!!

xiangan's dad was nice enough to drop me, sean and nigel home... yeps..



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