Saturday, September 01, 2007


Yeps, so today we woke up at 05 55 again for the usual routine of p.t. and waking-your-friends-up games.. most of us were all like jelly fish, just floating around cos we were mostly too tired from yesterday's sea expedition.. so after breakfast in which Bo Seng took our digestives biscuits, we started preparing for the return to camp 1 by loading all the bins and tents onto the safety boats.. once again sea-ex leaders had to gather and start supervising.. that's one thing bad about being a leader for this kinda stuff, you want to help your friends carry the stuff but the instructors want to hear your voice supervising them.. there's a conflict in the roles you must play and some people will comment on your eye power.. oh well..

yeps, so we set off from camp 2 to camp 1 with me and ronald being the sweepers again.. helped push off the kayaks before we set off.. the instructors tried to make us form a diamond shape but to no avail.. it's nearly impossible to form a diamond shape in the sea.. it was an easy 20 mins paddle to camp 1 where we had to beach up, wash the kayaks, paddles and life vests and once again, we had to unload the safety boat and some complained of tired eyes from all that eye power.. hahahahha XD john foo's sunblock kinda spilled out during the paddling and he had SPF 50 sunblock all over his left butt.. it looked like winter on his shorts.. hahhahaha

then we had to gather for a circle and the sea-ex leaders were called upon to give the group a final de-brief and what they taught bout the whole expedition and i was like "i believe each and everyone of us here has done very well so we all deserve a round of applause" hahahahhah then the instructors wanted the whole fleet to describe the expedition in 3 words and our infamous navigator jia lei said, "damn pro navigator" to which we all clapped and said "good joke" hahahahahaha did a final josephian cheer and proceeded to bring our stuff back to our dormitories store.. oh the "weaved cube" that we were supposed to find is actually friendship!! friendship forged during the sea expedition weaves us together.. real meaningful..

ronald and i quickly grabbed 28 bottles from the cluster of bottles on the ground.. Bo Seng saw what we were doing and did the same.. hahahahhah we carried the water bottles back to the store.. it was freaking heavy.. we decided to pour away the water inside since we would be doing that later on as well.. then it became sooo light we could make it swing round and round the bamboo pole..Yeps.. so back at stall, i had to supervise as the store i.c. some went to wash the camping equipment while i checked the quantity of the store items.. found we were missing four bottles, 1 compass, 1 whistle, 1 tent peg.. hahahah had to run around grabbing stuff and ended up we only lost 4 bottles and 1 tent peg.. which the whole watch paid $3.40 for.. omg munshi lost 1 bagpack.. which meant the whole watch had to pay $120 for the backpack.. like omg how can a watch lose a bagpack? it's so big?! Yeps, by the time we were done scrubbing the toilets upstairs and packing the store, we were late by 1 hour.. according to zippy and narf, the canteen stopped serving at 1245.. so when we got there at around 1245, they were still serving!! so zippy and narf had lied to make us move faster.. hahahahah had a very delicious lunch in the canteen, making it the 4th provided meal over the stretch of 5 days.. hahahahhaha feel so lucky to be in camp 1.. those in camp 2 can't enjoy so many cooked meals!! :D

met back at the multi purposee hall for the last activity.. we were supposed to do a final last element but because we overshot the timing by an hour, the activity was switched to souvenir shopping!! hahahha we rushed to the souvenir shop and started choosing.. daniel bought one of everything.. from the stitch on badge to the keychain to the giant mug to the round neck and collared shirts to the pencil case.. hahaha crazy dude.. i bought 1 round neck and 1 collared shirt.. they didn't have the black collared shirt on hand so i chose white.. dang should have gotten the royal blue one.. hahhahahaha it's dang fun to shop!!

went back to the hall for a final briefing and received our certs and stickers.. took the symphony boat back to punggol point jetty at around 3.20 for dismissal.. hahahahahhah said bye to the instructors.. kinda sad.. cos narf was a really good instructor.. hahahha omg zippy being hyper as usual, tried to turn on the radio on the boat for us.. she accidentally unlatched the radio control from the radio set itself so it dropped to the floor.. then when she finnally switched the radio on, she played classical music for a while before tuning to FM98.7 cos we were all dying.. hahahahahhahha

My cert!!

hahahaha yeps so went home and had a nice normal dinner.. yay!! i only suffered 3 mosquitoes bites for the whole camp!!! :) hahahahhahahha obs was real fun!! :D



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