Saturday, September 01, 2007


today's the day for our sea expedition!! woke up at 0500 to bring all the equipment down from our dormitories store to the "one for all, all of one" place.. my back was aching like crap cos i slept on a dang rock throughout the whole night..

met at 0555 for morning p.t. and wake-your-friends-up games.. coool!! i met bryan lauw and wenhan!! hahahhaha they were in shackleton.. met back at the "one for all, all for one" place to start briefing and wearing life vests.. there was a sea expedition leaders gathering and Yvonne told us the guidelines on what to brief them about and we had to discuss and come up with the details.. i was appointed the spokesperson for the sea expedition leaders which meant i will convey what we have discussed to the rest of the fleet.. after the briefing we were all ready to start moving the kayaks (which i kept getting mixed up with canoes until everyone corrected me.. hahahhaha), paddles and load equipment onto the boats.. had a safety briefing at the Indiana, which is dang cool.. reminded me of pirates of the caribbean..

before we got out to sea, the sea expedition leaders, (which were shortened to sea-ex leaders by the instructors, which was then shortened to S-EX or SEX leaders by the fleet..hahahahha XD, had a last briefing in which i told everyone bout the plan for the diamond shape and did a final cheer which went something like, Me: "Are you guys ready?" The rest: "yes..." Me: "i can't hear you.." The rest: "lol u deaf arh?" Me: "walao.." hahahhahhahah i got jacked by the rest... hahahahhah

then it was time to go!! as planned, the navigators, port side markers and starboard markers would go out to sea first, then the rest would follow fill in the spaces to try to create a diamond shape.. ronald and i would be the last to push off cos we were sweepers.. the route was to head for camp 2 first as a warm-up and then head to coney island and then on to sembawang.. while heading back to camp 1, it started raining and it was a cat 1 which meant heavy rain and lightning.. so we beached up back at camp 1.. and waited till 1230 for cat 1 to pass.. during that time, the sea ex leaders had to get together to discuss the break times, lunch times, route and expectations of the fleet..according to Yvonne, at 1400, the tides will be against us at a resistance of 0.4.. which meant we had to paddle doubly hard and gain as much ground as possible.. before leaving, we had another briefing with the fleet where i told the fleet bout the currents and the break times.. finally it was time to go.. before we left, i tried doing another cheer in which i got jacked again just like above.. hahahhahaha

the channel crossing was quite fun.. hahahhahaha the instructors were shouting at us to keep going before a ship came and ram us.. hahahahhaha we reached coney island and started our journey!! hahahahhah being sweeper is really quite fun.. u just have to keep up with the last kayak.. and the last kayak usually moves dang slow.. omg and the navigators were always moving fast so the gap widened between the front and the back.. so occasionally, we would ask the navigators to slow down.. which they didn't really do.. hahahhahha i think the whole fleet was pissed at the navigators for going so fast..

at round 4 plus.. we stopped for a break in which the instructors called for a sea-ex leaders briefing.. they told us that we only covered around half the distance in 3 hours plus and reaching sembawang before sunset was impossible due to the speed at which the whole fleet travelled.. besides from 1700 to 1800, the resistance of the tides would increase from 0.4 to 0.7.. they gave us a choice of either returning to camp 1 or continuing on to sembawang.. we voted 6:1:1(neutral) to go back to camp 1.. so we went back and rafted up in the 4 separate watches.. i told kurt that i had good news and bad news.. the bad news is we had only travelled half the distance and we need to travel that distance again.. omg every one's faces immediately dropped.. but the good news is we were going back to camp 1.. at that moment, it took a while for the words to register in every one's brains.. their faces immediately lit up and everyone was raring to go.. hahahahha

so we turn our kayaks around and set off for camp 1.. it was much easier this time round cos the tides was pushing us forward rather than backwards.. did the channel crossing as before and the instructors suddenly asked everyone to gather.. i knew we were going to do something else cos obs never cancels an activity without replacing it with another.. they told us that we had a choice: go back to camp 1, have a nice shower and eat and sleep, OR go to camp 2, where we can experience what others went through like no showering cos all our towels were left in camp 1.. of course, everyone wanted to go back to camp 1 but in the end we went to camp 2.. hahahahaha the way they proposed the options was slanted towards us choosing to go to camp 2.. so there's not much of an option..

yeps, so beached up at camp 2 at around 1905.. realised we kayaked for 6+ hours.. had to drag the kayaks and paddles up to the area outside the boat shed.. joel peed in his shorts duirng the briefing cos he drank too much water and his urine kidna dripped onto the floor and congregated in a puddle.. yeah.. then went to pitch our tents in the dark and ate in the dark.. i think camping at camp 2 was a better idea cos we could meet our friends from the rest of the 16 watches based at camp 2.. hahaha met george, kevin, xiangan, dinesh, bryan lauw, chris, john, amos etc.. found out that the watch, cheng ho, and some others have never been to camp 1.. which is so sad.. hahahahaha kevin was wearing this kodak towel as a cape and was like "nein, ich bin kodak man" when i asked him whether he was spiderman.. hahahhahah met back at the boatshed for a final debriefing and packing and went straight back to our tents to sleep..omg i went to xiangan's tent and realised the tents that camp 2 watches used was seriously small and clustered.. our dome tents were so much bigger and nicer as compared to theirs..




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