Thursday, December 20, 2007


Yeps, so i'm back!! Updating blog from the last day upwards. hahahaha took like 500+ photos, yeps.. So woke up today at 6.45, almost couldn't get up after last night's partying. Omg back was aching due to the center metal bar that i slept on throughout the night.. Went to the restaurant and ate eggs!! I realised that in other countries, if you can't get used to the food or if you are worried about getting food poisoning, just pile up on eggs. They are wholesome and build abs(hahahaha inside joke XD). Omg our bus driver met us at the restaurant. He left DiQing airport at round 8+ a.m. and reached Kunming at 11 p.m. while it took us 1 hour by plane. Omg, during breakfast TongTong's mum slipped and fell. Hahahahah then TongTong was like quite calm. Hahahahah Anyway, after breakfast we went to ShiLin or stone forest. Omg, took like loads of pictures.. The stone forest is real cool but there were too many people there. Just gonna post the important pictures..

This is the outside of the toilet!! hahahaha the toilet was before the main stones.

It has a 5 stars rating and mini tvs inside!!
Yeps, so we walked around ShiLin. hahaha the rocks are actually from the seabed. According to yaoli, that area was actually a sea centuries ago. Then the seawater receded and left behind the rocks that formed the seabed. We climbed up and down the rocks which was quite fun and it led us to the pavilion where you could have a pavilion's eye view of the whole area. It was dang crowded.

The main stone?

That's the piece of rock that came loose during an earthquake. Apparently if you have a guilty conscience, you shouldn't walk underneath it.

No idea what this is except some carvings on a stone.

Sword peak.

This is a rare deserted passageway cos the whole place is usually packed with people and stones.

Supposedly a lion?

I have a fetish for deep dark holes.. and alleys as well.. hahahahaha :D

That looks like a horse.

View from the pavilion, reminds me of something out of LOTR

Yeps so after exiting the forest, we took a ride to qicaiyunnan or 7 colours of yunnan. Had lunch there, omg couldn't really eat. Got real sick of eating 10 courses every meal.. Hahahahha they served us tea in wine glasses and there was no beer!! Bet Janice was quite disappointed.. :P hahahahha After lunching at the entrance, we walked in and saw lots of peacocks caged up. Apparently you can order one to be killed and have it cooked in your own way. The park had like thousands of peacocks but many people ordered them to be killed to taste the meat.. I wonder how it'll taste like. I'm thinking a cross between chicken, turkey and a weird taste.

The entrance.


Piggy fishes at the small pond

Anyway, after that we went to some place where they were selling jade and local products. Left after a while for the foot massage at some bee place. Weird. Anyway that place was rather scammish. They gave a free foot massage to us while they introduced their products and diagnosed your health through reading your palms and looking at the colour of your nails. I didn't really like the guy attending to my parents. He seemed rather nervous throughout, even after a while of talking. Usually people settle in after the introductions.
After the foot massage, we went to a coffee factory cum flower market. hahahahha They even have Pu-Erh Milk Tea which is like omg? The flower market was cool. They were selling this cute eggs that you could put in water and a plant will grow. Dang cute, but can't bring back to Singapore cos of the soil content inside.
Went to a restaurant for the famous mushroom steamboat. Omg i've never seen so many types of mushrooms in my life and i think mushrooms are quite yucky. They have spores, weird colours, twisted features and weird taste.
After a rather weird tasting dinner, it was time to say goodbye. Went to the airport and bought 2 group photos. As last minute shopping, we bought 1KG of Pu-Erh tea at the DFS, which was dang cheap. I, or the plane officially left Kunming at 21:37:57. Was quite sad to leave everyone, missed all the fun parties we had at night. hahhahahaha Pillow fights were the best!!! though they got a bit violent when it came to janice and benjy. hahahhaha :D We really should have another one of those!! Then again, i wasn't really that sad to leave tricia. Omg i'm so mean but she did try to attack me!! XD hahahhahah

Tea we bought at the airport!!

Reached home at 4 a.m. plus. Went right to bed and snoozed. Yeps, so that wraps up the whole trip!!



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