Saturday, November 29, 2008

It's over! Part 1

Finally after 2 long years of constant "hard work", suffering under long lectures with content heavy enough to create a "Yo mama so heavy.." joke on it and meeting many lecturers with a plethora of characters and jokes, DIPLOMA IS OVER!! I hope we can get our certs by the end of the year. The management is proposing we wait till the end of next year where we graduate officially with the rest of the adult students, which was shot down the moment it was proposed. I can't wait to see how the diploma would look like, hope it's printed on recycled paper! :D

Just to backtrack a little, we started on our last module, "Market Entry Strategies in a Globalised World", the day right after O levels ended. The module was very heavy on content and had extracts from previous modules, especially the marketing part. Our lecturer is quite nice, shared with us a lot of interesting stories, showed us a lot of whacky video clips (Simpsons!)and told us a lot about India. They gave us our notes in a binded book! I was hoping for a file, which looks a lot nicer. Anyway exam was quite alright, India came out and luckily what I studied during chalet came out! :D
I kinda miss our accountancy lecturer, Mr. David Goh. Though his voice is as dry as a dried-up Oxbow lake, it helps to deliver his punchlines effectively. He always mention about being poor and taking bus no. 11. Couldn't get it at first, until someone pointed out that 11 refers to your legs, so taking bus no. 11 means walking. Oh and once he was talking about financing, so he mentioned setting up a stall and selling 100 minus. Couldn't get it again, till someone mentioned it's a rip off of the drink 100 plus. Hahahaha Gotta love his jokes. :D
I still remember our first lecturer, Col Chan Chee Pong. He's one of the best! Very nice fatherly figure. Back then at Robinson Road, the campus was so much better than at River Valley! Miss the old campus.
Our lecturer for the mentoring module, Ms Sufi, is also very nice. She's the only lecturer that celebrates our birthdays with Sweet Recipe cakes and curry puffs from Old Chang Kee. Gotta love her thick Indian accent. :D
Ms Debbie Woon, our marketing lecturer, has to be the Best Dressed Lecturer. I remember first time I saw her, she was wearing leather boots with what-seems-to-be a safari outfit? That kind you wear to animal reserves in Africa. Yea, her eclectic dress sense that never fails to amaze me.
Oh and I have to mention Dr. Eric Lim, our lecturer for the module "New Venture Creation". Not because he stands out or anything, but because he gave me 94/100 for the exam! XD But yea, he's a very nice guy as well. :D
Somehow I realised the lecturers are actually nicer than some teachers in schools. I guess it's because they treat us as adults.

2 years of materials, 7 modules, 6 files and 1 binded book. :( Was hoping to add another file to my collection.

Last module!

Anyway, purchased the equipment needed for Krav Maga. I don't see myself wearing all that protection and fighting. I don't think I can even move after loading everything onto me. Tried kicking with the groin guard on; felt weird. I guess they really are groin guards; they guard your opponent's groin by preventing you from kicking properly. And I'm having a little identity crisis: I can't tell which goes where. The shin guards look like the forearm guards; the knee pads look like the elbow pads. Oh when I went to buy the equipment, the guy gave me a "Large" size for groin guard without asking. Hahahaha And yes it fits. Hahaha I'm starting to sound like those guys who love comparing the size of their mid-level appendages. BUT hey! I'm a Large size!! XD

I love the gloves. Very thick and nice. But I think I'm gonna get blisters wearing them cos the leather rubs against the webbing between the fingers each time I punch.

Oh and the whole set has the words "Krav Maga" emblazed all over it. If I wore the whole set, I guess I'll look like some walking advertisement for Krav Maga. But it's smart of IKMF(International Krav-Maga Federation) to come up with this little franchise like idea to increase profitability.
I need to decrease the time taken to wrap my hands, presently I take at least 15 minutes to do it. Should try to decrease it to 5 minutes. Yeps.



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