Monday, October 31, 2005


oh man...i fell in love with squash...haha quite a nice game la...have to keep bending down to give the ball more power(and sound) when paced game where you can get hit in the face must try it!!!


oh man IMT was a blast..quite cool actually but a bit hard...can't really shoot because i am a freak of nature lo...seriously..most right handed people have a right master eye(the eye that you are most comfortable with aiming) well....i am right handed but my master eye is my it is either i support the M16 rifle grip in my right hand and aim with my right eye...or i change over so that my left eye is now aiming...i need to choose between comfort and accuracy...haizzz...

Friday, October 21, 2005


oh my training was so what lo...the sergeants let us off about half an hour late... the chief P.T.I pump us like 50 at one go...the IFC( individual field craft) was a killer..luckily..the S.C.G.S sqush team came and there were a few quite pretty within their lot and you know....haha just joking...oh man when i take over as a specialist, i am going to pump my cadets till they drop...Muhahahaha....sadistic...

Thursday, October 20, 2005

history went down!!!

oh my god that mr charles took back all our papers and minus two marks from my paper so now i am left with only 64%... oh today we had the sec 2 entrepuenship day..went to the haunted house and there were a ferw sec two students selling some magic tricks to the audience...haha have half the mind to expose his trick but then again nay... it is to help SJI so did was one dollar for a trick and five dollars for another trick...the dude selling the five dollar trick did the trick in the wrong place(and to the wrong guy hehe) the light was glinting off the p***t*c

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

holiday training schedule..

woah just found out that if i am lucky i do not need to go for an holiday training at all this nov/dec holidays!!! all the activities are all for selected cadets... but i do want to get in for the NCC shooting compeitition...but i think it is just a simulator type of shooting like counterstrike...not fair lo sec 3 get live range with M16 rifles and real bullets....


oh man..just got back my results today
eng-76 %
math-63%(luckily the math department awarded each student 3 marks to help...)
history-66%(luckily the history department added in 5 marks to help....)
oh you can see my results are all like......

Monday, October 17, 2005

RE: blogskin

i know my blogskin is a bit too plain la but then again i like it to be plain and simple not to worry i will be surfing around for a blogskin that i like so cheerio!!!

two more days

oh man i have like two more days of freedomj left befor i meet my fate on wednesday... i think i am so chang wen suo duan is really ........... oh this is bad and guess what that math teacher said that i passed....which i think is a 50 i am dead...

Friday, October 14, 2005

2nd tutorial!!!!

Biddle grip: Not nearly as technical as it sounds. The four fingers hold the pack on the short end of the pack, while the thumb supports the pack from the other end. If you have the pack on a raised surface, a card box for example, and the short edge facing you, chances are if you pick it up, it'll be in biddle grip. ;)

1st tutorial

Mechanic's Grip: This is a common grip for card mechanics and magicians alike. It consists of the three fingers (middle, fourth, and pinky) along one side, the index at the top edge, and the base of the thumb on the other side. It is a very natural grip which should be learned if one wishes to do any sort of card magic.

Thursday, October 13, 2005


ok i know that this blog is weird....cant find the correct skin....very hard to find skins on magic etc...ok.. i am hoping to post some tutorials on card handling...look if you are interested!!! i could give away secrets to tricks(which i am not suppose to!!) but to make it harder i will post in pictures!!!! hahaha


ok welcome to my blog... i know it is lame but please dont laugh...i think i will post sometime later on once i think of something to post on