Saturday, January 24, 2009

3 6E Gatherings, Krav Seminar, NJC Orientation, Mass Dance

Wednesday 21/01/2008
Had a gathering at SAFRA Yishun for bowling. Dang, I got lost while trying to find my way there. Reached Yishun and followed Zhiheng's instructions to take bus no. 812 which will drop me off somewhere within walking distance of SAFRA Yishun. Did exactly so but instead I started out at the bus interchange and ended back again at the bus interchange after going around in a big loop. Not wanting to loop again, I decided to take a taxi, which is so much easier! Found out from Azizan later on that there are actually 2 places at which you can take 812, and the buses travel different routes. What's up with that?! Somehow I'm really starting to agree with those "Better By Train" ads that you see on buses. At least train routes are clearly stated. Bus routes nowadays are getting as confusing as Confucius' teachings.

Anyway finally reached Orchid Bowl and started bowling. The SJI bowlers arrived as well. Hahaha couldn't recognise them but it's still good to be able to see Josephians. Not long after, some Rafflesians came as well. I think they were there for the bowling selection tests that's held for sec 1s. Hahaha they were a dang funny and cute bunch. Some guy flung a ball backwards after running up to bowl. Now that's the first time I've ever seen anyone run and try to bowl at the same time. Hahaha the ball kinda flew out of his hand and bounced/rolled backwards.
Important life lesson: Never stand behind anyone who's bowling, especially if he runs.
Hahhahaha the coach looked kinda depressed at the performance of those attending the selection tests. Then again, there's always 2 sides to a coin, so they could become good in bowling one day! As long as they don't stand behind that guy when he bowls. Hahaha

Azizan, John, Aikhwee and I bowled 3 games, of which I scored terribly for all. Hahaha I swear it's the lane. It has a slight depression near the center line which cause the ball to move off its intended course. And this depression always appears when it's my turn to bowl. :( And I keep feeling a strong wind blowing each time I bowl. Seems like the strong winds across Singapore has started to take effect indoors as well. Hmmm, I think it's due to a combination of the El Nino and Coriolis effects. As to what those two are, I've no idea since my Geog Elect textbook doesn't cover it. Hahaha that brings back memories of Geog Elect classes, most of it spent talking to Dinesh. I think I'm like level 89 talking-while-teacher-teaches-without-getting-caught. I need to improve that by 10 levels. XD

Anyway after the bowling game, we headed off to take photos and back to Northpoint to go meet Seiyee. Hahaha
(K I stopped here the last time and am finally updating this now.. so I can't remember much..)
Went to Causeway Point to have dinner and meet some other people. Hahaha I only remember 1 scene from dinner. I was poking my teabag/stirring my tea and Cheryl suddenly exclaimed, "This pineapple is very juicy!" Hahahaha I find that very amusing and very very cute. Hahhahha :D Yea, and it's fun to poke your teabag when you're drinking tea cos it gives you something to do while stirring and waiting for the tea to brew. It feels nice to poke the teabag too! Hahahaha

2nd 6E Gathering:
K I can't remember what we did for this gathering but I guess it's the usual of meet-up, eat, sit around, walk a few steps and stop, walk a few more steps and then stop again, sit around, play bridge and then go home. I think we may have watched a movie. It's the "All's Well Ends Well". Say that 100 times. Hahahah don't think it will end well. Anyway yea, the show is downright hilarious. Hahhahaha love this kind of show. Haha yea.

3rd 6E Gathering:
Steamboat at Fel's house. Met Seiyee and walked around a little bit at the library and station. Finally bought a realistic looking toy gun to practise my gun disarms. Hahahah threw the bullets away cos we thought it was spoilt and couldn't shoot. Only found out later that the gun wasn't spoilt at all. Yeps, so had dinner at fel's house and basically loitered around Fel's house for a while before going home. Hahaha our gatherings are usually something like that.

Krav Maga Seminar:
Attended it on sunday(01/02/2009), conducted by Mr. Tommy Broom, Expert Level 4. He's from Sweden and he's very very big. Hahaha he brought along another female instructor, Graduate Level 1. Hahaha poor Jeremy. He got kneeed by her many times. Anyway we did stick work for the entire seminar.
First it was attacking with sticks, then defending against a stick attack with a stick-like object and finally defending against a stick attack with bare hands. Then it was pressure test where 2 people would come at you with sticks and continually attack you with them. Hahaha one thing I've learnt; it hurts to get hit at the kidneys. Hahahah
yea so basically for stick defence is rush in everytime. Never flinch away or avoid the stick cos the person is going to attack you again. Burst right in and try not to get hit while doing it. Hahahaha then again, do not make anyone swing a stick-like object at you. When in doubt, run.

So yea, reported to NJC on monday morning. Met the SJI guys outside, rather surprised to see Li Wei there since he scored 9A1s. But he doesn't have higher chinese so couldn't get posted to RI. But he seems to like NJC! Hahahha

I'm in OG 6, Titan theatre, currently Terra house. I'm still trying to get the steps for mass dance down! We're using "Please Don't Stop The Music" by Rihanna. The beat is dang fast and there's like too many moves for too little words. Hahahah still trying to get the hang of it. In SJI, all we did was Bhrangra dance, which seems a lot easier. Hahhaha learnt some cheers as well. NJ's cheers are very different and somewhat funny. Not much rhythm to them and a whole chunk of words BUT it still is quite nice. Hahahaha Oh and I'm trying to get the tune of the college anthem down. :)

K shall update more about orientation after the orientation week is over. :D Hahaha

Video of our Mass Dance

Hahaha it's a very cute dance. :D



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