Friday, January 16, 2009


Alright finally an update since the last post. Hahahaha for want of a better phrase.

Anyway yeps so on the 11/01/2009, we had a 6E gathering. Met at 6pm at Causeway Point to have dinner at Pasta Mania. Was supposed to go watch a movie after that but the girls didn't want to and so we proceeded to some playground to hang around. The rest were playing 23, which is a mathematical card game so it requires you to think. I don't think my brain could handle such a strenuous task after floating around in cerebrospinal fluid in my skull for the past month. Abraham and I didn't play it and just chilled somewhere else listening to music. Suddenly, an egg dropped from above and landed right in the middle of the rest who were sitting in a circle. It was thrown by some jerk who decided that egging people was fun. This is weird as the group wasn't even making any noise at all. The only time people make noise while doing math is in Mrs Tan Eng Hong's class! Hahahaha can't never forget those lessons. Luckily Abraham and I were standing somewhere else so we didn't get any egg splattered on us. Sadly, the rest had bits of egg splattered on them. Whoever who threw the egg should really be Krav-ed. Can't imagine why anyone would want to do such a thing, especially now when the economy is in recession.
So some went to Fel's house to clean up while the rest went to Civics centre. Fel's house is nice. There's like this big fish tank right at the door and it contains fish! Yeps, just in case you were wondering what's inside the fish tank. Hahaha
So after everyone cleaned up, Fel's house had this egg-roma. I never really liked the smell of raw eggs. Smells like raw eggs.
Of course, when eggs come to mind, a question pops up. Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Hahahahaha in this context though, which splattered out first, the yolk or the white? Hmmmm, food for thought.
Yea so after all the eggcitement, we went to some shelter to play 23 again. As before, Abraham and I sat somewhere else and talked. Took some cards and attempted to predict my results. Hahaha i kept getting all the high cards. Yea so I basically got 10+ for every subject. Hahaha
At around 10 plus, we disbanded to go home. The guys went back to the scene, and tried figuring out who threw the egg. Of course, we couldn't find the person. Dang, what is wrong with some people?

The very next day, it was RESULTS DAY! 12/01/2009. Reached school at 1.45pm. Met JP on the bus. Chatted a bit about NCC and results. Anyway seeing everyone again makes me miss SJI like mad. Hahahah got to hug Bryan Lauw after such a long time! Hahaha :D So anyway, gathered in the hall. I tried to avoid making eye contact with Mr. Ho. Hahahha both Mr. Ho and Ms. Chia were just smiling away. So yea we started off with prayer. Then it was the principal's speech, which was interesting since he's the new principal and I have not heard him talk before. I think his name is Dr. Koh. His diction is much better and his content is a little more direct. Hahahaha Mr Lui, the principal who went through 4 years with us, did his speech too. Hahaha I miss his speeches. SO yea, went through the powerpoint slides showing the top scorers and how SJI did. Our MSG this year is 10.4, which is the lowest ever in SJI's history! So kudos to SJI and hopefully our juniors can do better than us and bring SJI to greater glory! Hahahaha
(If you are reading this, remember to send your son(s) to SJI!!! SJI is a good school. And no, they didn't pay me to say this. )
Congrats to Li Wei, who scored 9A1s; he totally deserved it! :D Hahaha will miss all his weird antics. XD

Anyway so at 2.45, which is like 45 minutes after the official time for release of results, we finally lined up according to index number to collect our result slips. Hahahaha when it was finally my turn and just when I was mentally prepared for any bad news, Ms. Chia told me that I had to pay for some lit seminar in order to collect my result slip. Hahaha apparently a lot of us owed the school money for the seminar in which Suzanne Choo was the speaker. This was a bit surprising as Mrs Beryl Ang said that she invited Suzanne Choo to the seminar. Apparently the school had to pay her! Hahahaha I thought she came because she wanted to give back to the community. But yea, so each of us had to pay $10. Opened up my Form A, and saw a whole lot of codes and stuff and couldn't really understand much.
Headed to the office to go pay for the seminar in order to collect my results slip, hahahaha waited like 1 hour just to pay $10. No idea what the people in front were doing. But yea it's fine cos I like the way the office smells. Hahahaha :D

Finally collected my result slip. Hahaha I got a huge shock when I saw my results! K here's a summary:
1) English: A1. A miracle considering my oral conversation. Hahaha I remember it's on hygiene and I actually said, "Actually I don't mind dust as long as I don't see it" to which the examiners gave me that o.O look. Hahahahaha I think Ms. Chia was also relieved that I actually got this. If not, it will make our class look bad.

2) Literature in English: A1. This one is the huge shocker! Hahaha I don't remember doing any work in class and Mrs. Beryl Ang was so worried that we might just flunk lit because of the work we do in class, or rather, the lack of. I was expecting a B3 or B4, since I wrote dang little. Hahaha I remember Hari telling me that he wrote 8 pages for the essay and I was like "WHAT?! 8 pages." That's like all my lit exam scripts combined together. So that's about 1 piece of paper for every question, which has 2 parts. That's dang little! Hahaha After collecting my result slip, I went to the staff room to look for Mrs. Ang and she almost died when she heard my result. Hahaha We concluded that it was her homemade pastry. It seemed like those who ate a lot of it didn't do well for lit, while those who ate a little or none at all, did well! Hahaha nay, but seriously Mrs. Ang is one of the best teachers ever. She would make all those pastries for us to try and buy all those snacks to accompany us during lit classes. Hahaha Her lessons are also very interactive, since we're mainly discussing about anything and everything, except the lit texts. That's why I've always enjoyed her lessons! Especially when Sudharshan, Zach, Raj and Hari start their own internal Indian quarrel. Hahaha Of course, that doesn't mean Mrs. Ang doesn't teach. She does! Except very few, mainly the left side of the class, listen. The right side is chaotic. Hahaha George will start touching me/I will start touching him and start crapping, while SiRong reads his Chuck Norris jokes, and Terry will just sit there. Then the 4 people behind us will start their quarrel. WeiJee, Timothy Chan and James will just start doing their own stuff. But that's Lit Class! Hahaha

3)Combined Humanities (SS and Geog elect): A2. I expected something lesser as I didn't have time to finish the papers! Hahaha I still remember at the end of the Geog exam, I was thinking "Dang no time to finish, because I spent too much time on drawing meanders. Never mind, next time just leave the meanders last". Then it dawned on me that I'm not taking Geog anymore! So there's no more next time! Hahaha I was dang lucky for SS, since I decided to study 1 out of 6 examinable topics and it came out! It's the Iraq and Kuwait conflict. :D I need to thank Mrs. Nevina Ho and Ms Cyndia Leow. Hahaha I knew on many occasions Mrs. Ho wanted to kill me for not paying attention in class. XD

4) E Math: A1. Thanks to Mrs. Tan Eng Hong and my math tuition teacher, Ms Tan, I managed to pass my math. Hahaha HEY! I just realised both of them have the same surname. Hahahaha

5) A Math: A2. Though I'm happy I didn't fail my A Math, I regret not practising more and for a longer period of time! If not, I might have gotten A1. Then my aggregate would be better. But yea, I'm still content with it :D

6) Physics: A1 Very happy about the result. Thankfully I didn't fail my Physics! Hahaha I think Mr. Ho was surprised and happy that I made the A1 grade for Physics. Hahaha I would like to thank Mr. Ho for his dedicated teaching, my cousin who taught me once and Mr. Sie for helping me out for this subject! :D

7) Chemistry: A2. I think only one guy in our class got A1, making Mr. Kwang very disappointed. :( That also means no Shrangri La Treat. :( But anyway, Mr. Kwang is still a very nice teacher who has a unique sense of humour, albeit leaning more towards the weird side. Hahaha I can't never forget the "Making Lessons Come Alive" part. Hahaha And he's a good RME teacher too! :D

8) Biology: A2. Quite happy with this since I only started studying like a few days before. Was still studying even on the morning of the exam. Hahaha I'm gonna miss Mrs Lim's lessons. They never fail to make me realise how long 50 minutes is. Hahaha and it gives plenty of time for Ben Chin and I to discuss rabbits. :D

9)Chinese : A2. This is from last year. Hahaha I've no idea how I even got an A in this subject. I think Mrs. Tay is glad that I didn't fail. Hahaha

10) Higher Chinese: C5. Another pleasant surprise! Thought I was going to fail since I couldn't understand the questions and passages. Hahaha I need to go tell Mrs. Tay soon. I think she might freak out at the thought that I even passed this subject! Hahaha :D

So yeps, L1R5 aggregate is 8. After bonus points, it's 4. All together 9A and 1 C. Hahaha I'm happy with it. Got really lucky for this exam. :D

Anyway quick Krav update. Did a lot of chokes and more chokes for this week. And played some weird games that supposedly trains you.

Accidental Injuries: Scratched on the face by Michael. Elbowed in the teeth by Alvin. Headbutted on the nose by Jeremy (this one is probably the worst, since my nose still hurts now.)

Accidentally Injured: Elbowed Simon on the chin. Punched Alvin in the face. Elbowed Gary's cheek. Fingered Jason's eye. Poor Jason. We were doing choke defenses. Everyone was to stand around in a circle while I stood in the centre. So I'm supposed to defend the chokes which came from every direction randomly. So when Colin did a back choke on me, I raised my arms up to pluck his hands. So while my arms were rising up, I accidentally fingered Jason's eye because he was standing too close. The worst part was that he wasn't even the assailant. Wooops, sorry Jason! Really didn't mean to. :/
And apologies to the rest whom I accidentally injured while practising. Really didn't mean to. :/

Yea, BUT I guess that's part and parcel of training. You get injured half the time time and the other half, you injure people. But at the end, everyone still comes back for more. :D



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