Friday, March 06, 2009

Road run, Squash, Clique, School life, Diploma (UPDATED)

Had the NJC 40th road run on Saturday. Had to run 5.2 km. Wasn't really much of a road run since majority of it was in the school compound. Yeps, after finishing the run together with Arjuna, went to the squash courts to play till it was time to go for prize presentation. Aqua did quite well, though Aerius won overall best. Kudos to them.
Went back to the squash court to meet up with my OG and the majority of the squashers to go for lunch and buy equipment. Lunched at Prince's cafe in Coronation Plaza. Was very very hungry till the food came. But yea it's cheap. Throughout lunch, played "Truth or Truth" with Daryl before playing "Truth or Dare" with the rest. Hahahha had to do 2 dares which happen to be on facebook. XD
Dare 1) Doing part of the mass dance with Daryl. Hahahaha this one was dang amusing.

Dare 2) Hug Ai Hua. Hahahah this one is quite cute.

After lunch, the squashers went to Queensway to buy equipment. Bryan, Jing Ying and Yicen tagged along. Walked around the whole of Queensway trying to look for racquets. Couldn't find many good ones. Probably because squash is a dying sport and it isn't really good business sense to stock up on the racquets. Ordered 3 Head racquets which are not available anytime soon since Head is doing stock taking now. The team bought the same Mizuno court shoes. It was supposed to be the red and white a la NJC, but they didn't have the size. Met Samantha and her dad, who was there to restring his racquet. So yeps, spent like 2 plus hours just walking around and buying stuff.
After that, it was like a mini-clique gathering at Macdonald's. Original plan was to grap a drink or sit then go somewhere else for dinner. As time dragged on, we decided to just dine there and talk. Had a nice sharing session to open up more to each other. Thought it was very meaningful and very good for bonding. Interesting how a group of people with different backgrounds, from different schools can just get somehow squashed together and stick. Hahaha :D Now we need to think of a cool name for it, other than Aaron of course. XD
So after spending 5 hours at Macdonald's, we finally decided to leave and head home. Along the way home, Jia Sheng and I decided to test whether yawning is truly contagious. So it started with me first, and it really works! It really is contagious. We even found ways to make yourself yawn more. Yeps, we were really bored on the way home. :D

Anyway school life is starting to settle down into a monotony. The worse part has yet to come; PW lessons in the afternoon. :( Everyday is like wake up half dead, drag body to school, trying to stay awake in lessons, awaiting the bell signalling the end of the period, going for lectures, sleeping during some lectures, going for CCA, going back home, trying to do tutorials, sleeping late, waking up next morning again and the entire cycle continues.

Once in a while, there's some interesting stuff that happens that help to disperse the monotony of school. We had SM2 scholars from China joining us this week. Siyuan or Tim is attached to our class. Hahaha he's a very nice guy and dang intelligent. In China, they can't use calculators in their math exams. Hence they have to work out the values of sine, cosine and tangent themselves. Tim demonstrated sin 75, which ended up in a complex surd form, but it is the exact value as shown in the calculator. I feel really lucky that we have calculators here to use. So much easier. Hahaha and I'm using him to practise my chinese. So he will practise his english on me while I try my chinese on him, though it usually lapses back into me speaking english to hasten the process of communication. Hahahaha poor him, having to endure my jarring pronunciations and adjectives. I remember one of the first things I asked him was "Ni chi guo wo men zhe li de ji fan ma?" or "Have you tried chicken rice?" Hahahaha random question.
I keep mixing him up with Yi Xin. Tim's from Hubei, Yi Xin's from Hunan. Through Tim, I've finally got my North, South, East, West directions in Chinese. It's very interesting to talk to Tim, cos he has a lot of random bits of information. I'm trying to learn the Hubei dialect, which sounds very much like the normal Beijing type.
Tim is very hilarious. Today we had a chem tutorial, which he could tag along if he wanted to. According to him, the leader of the SM2 scholars told him "Just go home, baby." Hahahaha the way he says it and the word "baby" is dang dang dang funny.
He's addicted to the Western food stall in our canteen. Probably cos he doesn't get to eat much of it back in his hometown.

NJC did very well for A levels last year. A lot of 'A's floating around. Kudos to the seniors, hopefully we get a day off! :D

Went to ERC on monday together with Arjuna and Tzeyang to collect my diploma. Found out that they have a direct honours degree programme that they are offering, which we are suitable for. Talked to Joey, the very friendly consultant attached to SJI. According to her, we can offer that programme part time alongside our A level studies. As we have already gotten the diploma, we can skip the first year and carry on to the Advanced Diploma in Businees Management. Then we have to go for NS before resuming our studies and receivning a Degree in Business Management (Honours)about 1.5 years after NS. It's issued by the University of Greenwich, which is apparently one of the top 5 in U.K. for their business courses. So yeps, this programme is very attractive. If I wasn't taking A levels, I think I will take up this programme. It is very attractive and a whole lot better compared to our mainstream education. Sigh, the fallacies of our system. Anyway, we all kinda agreed that it's tough to juggle school, CCA and the advanced diploma. Oh well, have to pass up this good chance. :/
But anyway, we're trying to get them to reprint our diplomas, cos they look very plain. Hahahaha hopefully, they will agree. :D

Now it has creases cos I accidentally sat on it. Dang :/

Yeps, that's about it for school now. I'll try to update here more often! :D


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