Tuesday, January 31, 2006

CBS road run..

wow..thanks to my amazing sales pitch( hi can you donate or this card will find its way up your nose..=P) i finally gathered $6!! $2 from me and the rest from an aunt and an uncle..haha as i said..i think ms lim will shove the card back up my nose if she sees the amount..perhaps up my a**..what to do? you have a "nice OLD lady teacher" donating the equalivent of the class combined total..and she has high expectations of her class(even worse-class committee members..) wow..speaking of class coms..i wonder how si rong managed to get out! he wrote a letter in his usual scrawly way and was rejected with the are-you-writing-to-a-old-friend excuse..haha quite true la..then si rong did not bother about her and got sent out!! ouch..haha speaking of ms lim, i think i have to bring up one of Si Rong favourite qoutes-Ms lim is bitch per centimetre cube!! haha was suppose to be square but volume is more appopriate..compared to area..haha but ms lim is really wasting our time..marching us up and down..doing push-ups for ENGLISH.. no you did not read it wrongly..it is during english lesson not P.E...and she talks about the $150 and blames us for wasting it..haiz..the class will revolt one day..haha =D

Sunday, January 29, 2006


happy chinese new year guys!!haha ok..after doing stock-taking, i found that i have received $200+!! haha not that it is a lot or what but...ok la..haizz..my cbcs road run card still have $2 from ME!!!haha

Thursday, January 26, 2006

next update..wow..

oh my god..my arms and legs are aching like crazy..that crazy Mr. Low think he teaching NSmen..do god knows..burpees..haha..the 2nd I Seow Guan Wen is seriously a tormented B***h..what's his problem? squeaking in that gay voice of his telling us what to do.. just because he can't be the 1st I, doesn't mean he have to torment us like that..one day..my boot will find its way up his ***..really pissed..

Friday, January 20, 2006

wow..finally updated..

haha i have finally visited my blog since god knows centuries..haha anyway..collected the michael ammar dvds already..super easy and super puzzling.. haha anyway submitted my application form for the diploma in enterprise developement that SJI is offering..i can graduate with an 'o' level cert plus a diploma!! cool..haha if my application goes thorugh..i have to go for an aptitude test then only 30 students will be selected..then again very few people took..really hassle..have to go from SJI to robinson centre after school say..3 days a week? then i get through, holidays also must go back..haha see how first.. oh still remebered.. freaked raaghav out while he was eating his combined breakfast/reccess/lunch..haha did the card to pocket and back..haha luckily he did not choke..haha boring school life..haizz..waiting for chinese new year to come..