Thursday, August 31, 2006


okie.. marks for this term are back..

English-67(this term the whole class didn't do really well..)
Literature-79!!!(as cheryl would put it.."ego"..haha dang could have gotten 81..the teacher wrote 22/25 for my first essay then cancelled it to 21..the second one from 20 became 19..then can be top in level for lit..hah..ego..nay..)
Geography-75(quite alright....i guess..)
Math-40?(haha pulled my average down's like the nemesis of my lit..oh win some, you lose some..)
Chem-71(okay..i think..)
Higher Chinese-48?(haha my chinese was never good..terrible..)

so went back to primary school today..yeah..freaky experience..lotsa of people coming up to me and say"hey dude!" i was like," hello, nice to meet you. Now who in the world are you?" haha weird..yep..went to causeway point after that..ordered O.R chicken chop..tasted disgusting..the fries were dry and soft, the raisin coleslaw was okay...the coke was cool..but the chicken..the mushroom sauce on it looked like thick and sticky..showing signs of mircowave..the chicken was alright..but the sauce had this plastic-ky feel to it..then went shopping..ashraf walked into John Little and tried out the deos..I still think The body Shop has the best deodorant around..expensive though..125ml for $14.50?

yeah..that's should be all for now!!



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