Friday, March 16, 2007


i attended the Singapore Symphony Orchestra(SSO) concert at republic polytechnic today!! so coool.. it's my first time listening to SSO play.. the music and everything were great but the people watching were not.. The latecomers came in real late and created such a din that the conductor had to halt the music just to wait for the latecomers to sit down.. well, it's their fault for coming late but it's not entirely their fault for making the noise. Most concert halls/performing art centres would have carperted floors not only to create a posh image, but also as a muffler for sounds emitting from the soles of people.. however this particular concert hall has wooden parquet flooring with no carpet!! hence a lot of thumping noises were created and the music had to stop.. =( oh wells..

omg, the suit that the SSO people were wearing is dang cool!! swallow tail coats and white bow tie with a waistband.. nice.. haha, i wanna go get a suit tailored for me!! that'd be cool..even though i'm not gonna wear it.. :)

yeps so that's about it!!


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