Monday, February 05, 2007

inter class touch rugby..

Yeps, had the inter class competition for touch rugby last saturday. woke up at 6.25 cos my dad couldn't wake up on time too? haha reached SJI surpirsingly early: 7.28 a.m. I was like the odd one out? wearing rugby boots were stuffed inside my bag. =)

And so, we were up against 336, it was a very interesting game..lalala..i got smacked right under the neck by manoj while i was going to score..and my thumb got sprained in the first match.. and the score after 10 mins of play was 0-0.. so we left our fate to be decided by a coin toss.. yeps..after all that running around, getting smacked, we were going to let our fates be decided by a coin toss..we lost the coin toss... =( the concept of a coin toss is dang dumnb.. argh..

And before we knew it, we were up against 324.. i got injured again.. i was diving towards the scoreline, literally in the air kind of matrix motion, this defender,tried touching me but tripped, so he went slamming right into me.. his left knee was right up my left side..almost hit my kidneys. =( it was a mid air collision, except i got slammed to the right.. and wasn't a try, cos he touched me before the ball touched the ground. So it was another coin toss. and we lost. AGAIN.. ARGH!! =( ouch..still hurts..

After losing 2 games due to coin toss, we were in the losers pool, against 322 and 331. The 322 game was agonising to watch. George committed an infringement on the other player when he slammed into him rather than touch.. so he got yellow-carded and sent off for 2 mins..and that was when everything came tumbling down. one dude just ran right through 2 of our defenders, standing a few metres away.. yeps, just right through the middle, and it took a while for both of the defenders to give chase. I, standing on the other side of the field, covered my eyes, refusing to witness the tragedy. i was like "ACH MEIN GOTT!!!" it's real painful to watch the whole thing unfold. So we lost that match against 322..=(

Luckily amos scored against 331, so we got into the top 11th placing..sounds real nice, but there's only 12 yeah..poor 331, they lost every match against them..

yeps, and we did badly for soccer as well. according to the soccer players, 333(my class) got 12th placing after letting in 6 goals?! so it means we are the lousiest class when it comes to inter class..but oh well, it's because of the coin toss that we lost the 2 matches..blame the coin.. XD

but nevermind, we will not despair, instead we will rise from the ashes and bring 333 to GREATER GLORY!!! =) that was slightly weird, but u get the point.. =P FOR DAISY AND SIMON!!! XD like omg, my whole body is still aching, even now.. ow.. =(

Yeah, oh unfortunately, a father of a 332 josephian has passed away in a freak accident while sailing. i really pity that boy for losing his dad at 14/15. it's real sudden. May God rest his soul and help lionel to get over this tragedy.

Got to go now. Bye!


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