Monday, November 20, 2006


It was another poker game to remember!! At around 2.30 p.m. of Sunday(yesterday), i won back my $7000 worth of chips from my dad!! After playing like 4 hours, i won it back!!! YESSSSSSSSS!!!! i am feeling very high now!! okie.. i cheated in the 2nd round. I mean, it was really tempting. I told myself, "no cheating!" But i couldn't resist!!! BUT i only cheated in a few 45% of the 60-70 rounds? *gives a wide eyed look* *blink*

So we started another game, this time adding more to the stake. Each player started with $12000 worth of chips. So we played. Played from 3 to 4 plus, till my mum got home. Continued after dinner, right up to 9, stopped for rest, started again at 10 till 11, and that was when the one of those great game moments appeared. In the final round, both of us had similar straights. We had 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace. In poker, the 1st card dealt is face-down. So you had to do some guessing and calculations to make an intelligent guess of what ur opponent's card might be. I knew from my dad's body language that he had a straight. He thought it would be impossible for me to have a similar straight as he did. So he pushed forward $2000 worth of chips. And i did the same. So he flipped my face down card and saw that i had a straight too! However, as my Ace was bigger than his, i won!! So i scooped up the chips. And he decided to call it a day... =)

We continued the game from last night. The only way to actually win an entire game, was to make the other player bankrupt, or just keep raising the bet so your opponent would have lesser and lesser chips to bet, and then bankruptcy. So we plodded on with the game.. starting at 9, stopped at 11.30. And the best game moment arrived!! The one that made me so high!! It would always arrive at the last round.

I had a 10-Ace Straight. And my dad had Ace, Ace, 10, Queen, and 1 card face down. To him, it seemed as if i had 10, Jack, Queen, Ace, and 1 card face down. So i pushed $4000 worth of chips forward. And he was about to fold or abort that round, which means all his chips that he had bet would be taken by me. And as he reached forward to flip his cards face down, indicating a fold, i stopped him. And then i started my manipulative sales pitch. It went along the guildine of the possibilities of me having a King to complete the straight. I gave him fact and figures, statistics and stress. I even pulled in some poker strategy about deceptiveness To complete the nice little lecture, i reached over, grabbed his chips and laid it on the table. And i asked him that simple but highly tempting question: "So what will you say? To take a risk or regret terribly after this?" And that's when he burst.

He decided to take a gamble and found out to his despair that i indeed had a King to complete the straight. And as i scooped my winnings from the central pool, i laughed evilly... MUHAHAHAHA!!

I feel kinda bad tricking me Dad BUT this is a sport that you win through a lot of tricks. =)


K, so we are gonna continue the poker game tomorrow after i wake up. Tomorrow's gonna be poker marathon since my dad's not working tomorrow as well.. o.O Hopefully, i will win this whole game and continue on to another! =))



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