Monday, October 30, 2006

ACE Camp Day 1

So we arrived at the campsite at 1300 hrs. And zomg, it was really simple. The bus rolled off the main road, and drove like a few kilometre away from civilization, and dumped us in the middle of nowhere. And we got down to business. And the campsite sucked. campsites shld be at the top of a slope because water will flow downwards and flood. But nope. We got to make camp at the bottom of the hill. Whereas teachers got to sleep in a big traditional Kampong house.

We pictched our tents. They were 8-men tents that looked new. Well, when the instructors pitched the demo tent, it had a Cash Convertor bag covering a gaping hole in the covering. Not a very impressive way to kick start the first day eh?

The tent that we pitched seemed quite strong and yeah we left it as it was to go for lunch. That was when things started going downnnnnnnnhilll....The lunch was like crap!! The rice stuck together like mashed potatoes. The vegs tasted like plastic. The mutton was alright. The drink was supposedly orange juice. But it turned out Orange concentrate + lots of water + lots of sugar. And to make it worse, houseflies turned up by the thousands to feast. ZOMG and i remembered from a documentary about the way houseflies feed. Eww.. The houseflies hanged on wires, tables, anywhere. It was like housefly-city.

After lunch, we went to the most dangerous and gruelling activity of all. Trekking up Gunung Lambak. It's a hill that's 510m high. Sounds gentle but once you get there, the way up is almost 75 degrees upwards. It's dangerous cause unlike other activities, you had a safety thingy to prevent you from dying. But Gunung Lambak was different. No safety line, net whatever. If you fell, you would probably injure urselves and others. 1 person roll down, 4-5 will follow suit. And i got injured here. I was making my way up, there was this spot that seemed dry. So i stepped and it wasn't dry. So i slipped and got cut by by many small stones. That left me with 5 cuts on my right leg.. Bad way to start ACE camp. Ouch. they still sting.

Went back for dinner. Once again, the food was horrible. The soup they gave us was called, "Pepper soup". Actually it's cabbage soup.But the only thing u can ever taste is pepper. Disgusting.

Thankfully it rained!! So we went back to our tent, muddy and sweaty and dirty and stinky. We were not allowed to take bath and given a choice, i wouldn't. The toilets were filthy. they were squat toiletsthat had spoiled flushing system so all the thingys kinda got stuck somewhere there.

The rain was dang heavy so we just sang songs and went to sleep after that. Jia lei was busy powdering himself. Powder was the closest thing to water. And he was powdering his privies and was screaming about us looking at him. Like who the heck would look at him. lawl. it was too dark to do so anyway. @@


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