Friday, October 20, 2006


Wheew, was offered a place in the Talent Delopment Programme(TDP) English..i have to submit my portfolio comprising of 5-7 pieces of best written essay, a short write-up of (i) why i want to be in TDP English and (ii) why i have selected the pieces for the portfolio.

Zomg, have to do a lot of thingys by Monday. lawl luckily i am not required to take the interview.. wow.. 60 people contesting for 20 places with only 12 with the preestige of not taking the interview!! =P Zomg, lawl, i never thought i would get selected for TDP.. until i saw my name outside the staff office.. i was like "@@"

Anyway, you might be wondering what is TDP all about..According to the letter, The TDP aims to develop students with high abilities and interest in one of three areas: 1)Physics-Math subject or PMS (lawl..weird name =P), 2) Chemistry-Biology or CB(lawl sounds like a vulgar word..) and 3)English Language. Under the programms, students will be posted to a talent class to develp his abilites in his talent area(s), through a more inquiry based learning approach, beyond classroom, oppotunities for national and international competitions, and attachment programmes. Yep that's what the letter says! Sounds very correct except for the names..lawl people were like "hey i want CB! not PMS!" -.-

According to the letter, for English, we are going to:
- Reach greater depth in various aspects of the GCE 'O' Level English syllables
- Explore and developcreative and stylistic abilities in writing
- Gain opportunities for mentorship with a published writer(?!), participation in writing competitions and workshop
- Enchance oratorical skills (?!!!)

Zomg TDP english sounds very...english.. lol =) Sounds real cool yet sounds difficult..

Yep, just hope that i can get in with my portfolio, thankful that i can skip interviews =D
Oh and Jeremy, good luck for your application to join the PMS class! =)



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