Thursday, October 19, 2006


ZOMG!! Results came back today and everyone was anxious!!! You could feel that rush of excitement in the classroom...Okay back to know i am kidding right? back to annoucing my results!! (*Ego*) =P

1) English---> 77 (1st in class, to which i am glad to share the honour with Zuhaili! lalala =)

2) Math---> now this is a shocker.. 70!! Zomg i thought i was gonna fail like mad, and would be happy to secure a pass, but now this 70 is really like wow to me..2nd time in 2 years passing math and this is the highest score for me!! Okay..SiRong got 92 but yeah, i am contended with 70.. Thank you Ms Tan for the Math tuition =)

3) Chinese(express)---> 64! My oral pulled me down!! Argh..18/40 i got highest in class for paper 2 but the oral was like...@@ yep! =( 1 thing i noticed is that my paper is always better than my compos..=(

4) Higher Chinese---> 47? woots, the black paper 2 was okay but i totally flopped the 70 marks compo ,which was a decisive factor. I got only 23/70. Why? Because i went out of point! Chinese people are weird, they use so many expressions to express their feelings that you get jumbled up with all the mumbo jumbo..Dang =( Thank god they are going to choose the better of the 2 chinese papers. So this paper would not pull my average down..Think i am gonna drop Higher Chinese next year.. =/

5) Literature---> 80! 1st in class, that means i am definitely gonna take Full lit for Sec 3 (oh dang, hope i can get the award again for being top or 2nd in level for lit) =P

6) Geog---> 75!! Whoopie!! Thought my geog was gonna be crap but yep!! 2nd in class!! Lawl Ms Lim was like, "You've done well wei zhong(my chinese name..she refuses to call me Aaron) but 75 is not the highest." I was like "-.-" And she repeated this to anyone who got close to the highest mark for a particular subject..Weird

7) Science---> 81!! 2nd in class!!Quite happy with this mark..couldn't believe it too =) Yep, now to break down the sciences:
a) Biology: 76 quite alright..
b) Chemistry: okay..i couldn't believe this too when edmond told me but yeah i got 92 for chem!!! 92!! i was in a daze.. 92!! i thought my chem was gonna be like 70+. Yep! i was like downight shocked!!
c) Physics: 76!! i passed!! zomg i thought i was gonna fail due to the refractive index crap..My angle of refraction were all wrong..Say..

Maybe i can apply for Science Talent Development Programme(TDP) lol, maybe only. see how. lawl i recently sold a watch to the person in charge of TDP department , Mr Malcolm Wong, and he kinda knows me. Lawl, nay perhaps i won't. Depends on the weather =P

8) History---> All the way from june, yep 67 (like crap..) Hence i am gonna steer away from offering this subject as humanities next year. =( ah well..

Yep! So my average is 73.428, without taking into account the higher chinese marks which would be ignored.. And my L1 R5 average is 75!!

Overall, i felt i did quite okay this year round except for my higher chinese..heh heh now to go squeeze out some incentives from parents..(Evil laugh) what was that reward scheme again? i think i heard my dad say $100 for 1 A1, so that makes $400!! muhhahaha lawl i am so bad.. lalala now my dad is feigning ignorance as i persuade him..haha Manipulation of the Mind!! =)

Yep, so now off to sleep!! Bye people and all the best for ur posting results!! =))



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