Saturday, September 16, 2006


Something interesting and unfortunate happened on thursday..Si Rong headbutted Jireh's head..doesn't sound like much..until you know Si Rong has really big bones(his nickname's a teddy bear), and jireh is tall(his nick is giraffe)..

Here's the interesting part..we were at p.e, si rong and jireh collided together after running into each other in a game called "space invaders". jireh had a gash on his eyelid..the cut was caused by a pair of spectacles, which did not break despite the heavy collision..immediately p.e. came to a halt and i, with 2 St John's, were asked to escort jireh to the office for medical attention..the first aid box came..we examined the was a medium cut on his eyelid, just below the eyebrows..ouch..blood was spilling out and jireh had symptoms of shock..probably caused by the force at which si rong headbutted him..he started losing vision..i think a nerve was pressing on his retina or something..soon it cleared and jireh saw distorted images of white and purple squares..after some water, he could finally see again..we sprayed on some anti-bacterial thingy and applied onto wound..we wrapped a bandage around his wound to keep it from infection..and jireh started breaking out in cold sweat..meaning he has lost a considerable amount of blood..Mr.Teo dismissed this as normal sweat..despite the chill of the sweat..Mr.low arrived with his car and brounght jireh to the hospital for stictching..So he came back the very next day..bless him..

now on to mugging.haizz...



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