Tuesday, September 12, 2006


so yeah..let's start on teacher's day eve...supposed to have some workout dancing AND singing to Bee Gees "Staying alive" and something else..luckily..it RAINED!!! wheew..so stayed in class till say, 9? then went to the Performing Arts Centre for perfomance..interesting line-up of thingys...a lot of singing and singing and a skit..there's this Sec 1 who had a super high voice..to the point of screeching..Mr. Khoo, my math teacher, who somehow loves to sing on such occasions was not to be out-done by that sec 1..he sang "To be a better man"..and his start was a shriek..just as he reached the end of the song, he stopped..cause he couldn't sing higher than that...however..we gave him a standing ovation for his courage..not the singing..the courage..i remember him singing on Racial Harmony Day!!! Some weird song that could only havve come from the 1960s..Next, 101 dudes started this super-boooooring crap about life in SJI..they sat around and recounted stuff like bathing together in the mass toilet during orientation camp..Finally, the thingy came to a close, took report books..and went off..

Went back to WGPS, details in previous post..

ok..school holiday..started math tuition..god..it's like $50 an hour, $100 for 2 hours, $400 a month..dang ex..mugged..and mugged and mugged..and before i knew it, it was monday and school re-opens again...

First day of school: Nothing happened..except Ms Lim's hair grew? Everywhere on the campus, nerds and posers and semi-posers gather to mug..and mug and mug..Oh did i ever mentioned about the guitar exam? The teacher suddenly said, "okay boys, it's your turn to play"..so went ahead..group supposed to sing but no one did..everyone was glancing down at the scores and fingers..i think i passed..next test is next monday..Quein Sera..sure fail..therefore, must sing loudly to cover up the mistakes in the strumming..

2nd day of school: nothing again,..time crawled..and stopped during lessons..the class clock was spoiled..Jireh must go fix it..oh well..



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