Wednesday, October 11, 2006


kk..just one more paper left and here i am blogging..tomorrow's higher chinese..can't study for's the subjects that i took..
Wed(27/09/06) : English..hmm..i think i did quite okay for the paper..hope summary can get full marks!!

Wed(04/10/06): 1)Math paper1..dang..i hate's was okay? though there was this stupid question..find the height of the ball sub in the value..and guess what i got? -25m..yep..negative height..everyone also got i put 0m and explained that a height cannot be negative..hope it's correct..the question was not detailed at all..2) had geography think it should be okay..

Thurs(05/10/06) : 1)Chinese paper 1..yep CHINESE..not HIGHER average out the marks..crazy school made us higher chinese pupils take normal chinese that means 4 papers..8 compres..4 in 2 chinese papers wasn't bad enough.. 2) not as difficult as i'd imagined..Mrs lee was like saying it's gonna be very difficult so as to know who are the good science students for streaming..ok dang..i got me chemical formula for ethanoic acid wrong..Dang..

Friday(06/10/06) 1)Literature..okie..frankly, i don't think i did very well for me 2nd question..i did not memorise the i had to manipulater the answers to show that i know the text well..which i don' instead of giving direct quotes, i gave the scene and chapters...hope the teacher thinks the way i think too...dang,..2)Higher Chinese paper was better than my chinese paper 1..not easier..just more to write on...that's cool..but my content very details..someone got caught cheating by shoing paper into what the..

Monday(09/10/06) 1) Biology..god..also forgot the names of the male reproductive system..i almost put prostate gland as bladder..dang..what was i thinking of..luckily..i checked and corrected it to bladder...Check? Check what you might ask..i checked my brain..not myself..=P.. 2) Math paper this is seriously bad.. i lost 10 marks!! 2 due to carelessness..should be tangent..but i wrote in the sum had 3 parts..each part 2 marks..luckily i was in the nick of time to change 2..but i wasted lotsa time..dang dang dang..

Tuesday(10/10/06) cool..the ate would be nice if it was 10/10/10..anyway..Chinese paper 2 today...rather okay..finished like 15 minutes before..the questions are easier to answer than higher chinese..

Wednesday(11/10/06) Fizik today..yeah..physics was okay..i lost 1 mark for my joules thingy..and 4 for the refraction question...almost forgot Ohm's law..actually i did not remember his law..i just wrote me own crap and passed it off as Ohm's really.. =)) this paper was not as boggling ss i expected..=)

Thursday(12/10/06) that would be tomorrow..Higher chinknese paper 2..yep..and i am not studying..i am blogging..oh well..nothing to study for higher chinese..tomorrow just hope that it will be easy...=) lalala..after that run home and play..

yep..received post-exam schedule today....papers will come back on thursday!!! @@ We have 2 marking days!! that means stay at home and lot of reflection programmes thingy for us...god..dang dang dang...ACE camp is on the 27th...We are going to J.B for this camp..for 4 days 3 nites..OH THE HORROR..OH THE AGONY...i 'll be sleeping with Si Rong..the guy who almsot bumped Jireh's brains out..wheez..Si Rong is famous for his Finger of death..which is really painful..lawl..both of us are probably gonna insult each other till daybreak..yep..we love insulting each other in old"Thou art a cur, a cur and nothing but a cur.." keeps our brains active and alive..wheews...

So to go sleep..lalala...BYE!!!---> one weird thing i noticed? Who am i saying bye to? lawl.


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