Thursday, October 26, 2006


wheew, on tuesday, Ms Lim treated us to pizzas!! yep for Canadian 2 for 1 just 3 pizzas plus delivery came up to $104!! Plus 2 root beers. And poor Ms Lim got like 1 or 2 slices. While i took 4!!! Muhahaha.. i feel so bad. =) thanks Ms Lim..

ZOMG, Peter Nicol and Azlan Iskander came specially to SJI to talk about sports!!! Peter is the world no.1 in squash!! Azlan is the world no.12.. But Peter was the main star..zomg..He rocks..too bad he is retired. lawl, there was this Q&A session and it was a disaster. Lots of stupid questions. Here they are:

1) "This question is for both of you. It has been a debate in the sporting world that sex before a game does affects the game later on. Is this true?" Like wth?! i mean that is a rather spastic question. Lol Peter was like, "Yes it does. It makes the game better." Lawl.. @@

2) Okay, this guy was worse. His question was very personal, "How much do you earn?" Zomg..and Peter kinda ignored him for a while before saying it's too personal..zomg..

3) Now this guy is definitely the worst!! he dealt a severe blow to SJI's reputation.. His conversation:
Him: Err..i wanna ask the err.. the world no.1--->he actually forgot Peter Nicol's name!!! Despite the intro and ?! @@
Peter: The world no.1 is not here.
Him: Oh err..then where is he? --->Now i don't know if this guy is just plain stupid or plain stupid..though he may forget peter nicol's name..but yeah..he should know who he is asking eh?
Peter: In Egypt
Him: Not bad--->okay now that's just plain retarded..has he forgotten which country he is in? i mean Singapore and egypt are obviously different?
And noooooo, the embarrassment did not stop there..if he came up, had a bad start, yeah and his question is a good one..well, then all is forgiven..BUT noooo..his question reflected his depth or rather, the lack of it..
Him: Did you join squash because not many people play it so it is easier for you to get no.1?--->i swear.. if i had a gun, i would have shot him..THAT WAS THE WORST QUESTION I HAVE EVER HEARD!!! Like how stupid do you need to get to ask a question like this while a) Representing your school, b) the person is a world no.1 player, respected by many. It was worse than asking someone, "Are you breathing?" That question insults not only Peter Nicol, but the whole SJI community..God..and i think he disgraced the hockey team too. He's from hockey..and i think he got hit a time too many by a hockey stick and the ball.

man that fag just pisses me off..

Anyway..zomg i have ACE camp from friday till monday..I DON'T WANNA GO!! lol i think i am gonna be sick..Help!!

Oh well.. that's all for now..will post later on when i get back!! =)



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