Saturday, November 11, 2006


This super long post is to all 207 peeps.. I will not point talk about bad points..let the year end on a good note.. =) Peace!!

Firstly, this is to Ms. Lim, our form tutor. We all know that you are a very nice and caring teacher. You may be old but you are certainly young at heart. Look at it, how many 57 year olds travel around on a motorbike? You are the best teacher i have ever met, though your teaching methods are a bit strict. =P oh ms lim? where are our results slips u promised to give us on the 10th? @@

(in index order)
Ronald- Wheew, was nice meeting you and sad..we have to part ways..awww..nvm, ur class is just next to mine..have fun wif Si Rong!! Must visit!! WOOF!!
Edmond- EDDY!! lawl, u will be happy in 335, just dun think too much about it.. =) Visit me too!! aww.. go play wif grayson..WOOF!!
Aaron- You're the best!! woots..say i am talking about myself here*ego*.. =P woots.. haha lawl.. Si Rong- Nice chubby wubby teddy bear!! Will miss seeing you crushing and getting pwned by Po Chih. =P You were really hardworking for math..admired your attitude.. =) visit me!!
Josias- lawl, jos, funny dude..always "doorknob" here and "doorknob" there.. =P *Victoria* (cough)
J P- U have a future in NCC(Air).. Hope your knee will heal!! =)
Nishanth- You told me you wanted to be a doctor once..Gd luck for it!!
Jeremy- JEREMEE GORENG!!! i had lotsa fun with you..i love the little phone wars we had where you would insult me and call me any animal that pops into ur mind, and i will do back unto u too!! U are real nice!! =) kk hippo? roll by anytime my class kk? =D
Jia Lei- U are actually quite nice to get along with..just don't get too excited and shout while in public.. it's a bit...haha but yeah..nice little guy.. =) dun be disappointed in ur Sec 3 class kk?
Caleb - Ah yes..Caleb.. it's actually very amusing to talk to you..cos you behave downright it makes conversation with you very colourful and interesting.. =) haha
Lee Xun- u have leadership potential..must use it wisely!! have fun wif ur NCC(Air) cadets next year!! =P
Nathaniel- and your pink cute fuzzy wubby wabbits..i still don't get the tune to that's like a tongue twister? anyway, let ur hate for you-know-who point hating him for something small.. k? have fun!! =)
Hao Pu- u r actually very me..cough..haha =P must go visit hong kong one of this days..
Zenn- ZENNY!!! lol.. hm.. i really wonder what happened while you were at the barber's.. u turned weird after that haircut.. =) haha aww..i won't be in the same class as you..but we are neighbours!! remember to come visit me anytime!! =D
Prabu- lawl, u taught me the word "lawlz"..lawlz.. 1 day let's go pk..that's if i am still playing that game.. lawl QQ
Kenneth- dude, you must speak up more!! lawl..kk let's go pk 1 day wif the RS gang.. kk hippo? =)
Ben- wa.. how come your math so good? must teach me.. then i can teach u lawl.. work hard in 331!! pwn the rest and show 207-ers are the BEST!! =)
Hui Wen- hey neo!! lol.. oaky..i know you are very need to keep harping on that.. =P haha elina*cough* o.O
Adthiya- er..u are a potential lawyer.. just don't do those weird thingys in court k?.. @.@
Raaghav- ah nei.. please don't go pulling your new classmates around in a circle while ppl are what you did to me..say.. haha lol.. =) each time you run over, i must run away.. =P
Shannon-'re in the same class as jeremy.. lol.. come over and visit sometimes!!
Shan Jin- wow..must not be so hot tempered k? aww... cool.. let's have a bey-battle wif ron someday.. let it rip!! *rip* er.. QQ haha lawl..
Doug man- hey you serious bout going to 321? gd luck!! u are like a saviour to some1 looking for a place in 336.. hope you might meet HER one day..somewhere.. =)
Jireh- hey jiraffe.. lol..oh must visit me in 333 k jireh? lol just look out of the window.. *static*Jireh, do you read me, i repeat do you read me? lol.. you and ur soldier walkie talkie thingy.. lawl.. =) will miss u, my tall classmate who sits behind me... =P
Jeffrey- JEFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!! lol.. i will miss calling u that.. must be more proactive..then can get staff sergeant..pwn shen shin's posterior for me and jeremy k? =) yeah man jeffrey.. finish the fight.. that's the way.. that's my boy.. ?! woots.. kk hippo.. =D
Freddie- FREDD!!! i will mis ur giggling at the back of the class.. @@ haha lawl.. pop by me class anytime u are free!! one day.. play squash wif me k? =)
Li Ren- wow..luckily u are not in 334..cos SiRong is in there.. SiRong will destroy u .. QQ lawl.. visit me anytime u like k? gd luck wif ur you-know-who.. not voldermot.. i'm talking about HER.. =P see ya!
Ying Zhang- ying zhang!! rest ur legs man.. later u grow up, ur knees start to hurt.. don't run too much.. =) haha lawl..quit ur X-country.. join Brisk Walking!! >.> haha woots.. have fun!!
Poh Peng- PP!! lawl..dun scratch ur head too much k? very bad for hairgrowth.. @@ haha lawl.. ur chinese jokes very lame...just like my english jokes..=P haha
Lucas- LUCY!!! lawl.. lalala.. must share some lame jokes wif me once u hear of any k? =)
Po Chih- CHIH CHIH!! aww.. i still prefer calling u poch.. lol.. sirong's head was in between ur legs during ACE and at night?! what were u 2 doing? ah.. i know.. you 2 were slping.. @.@ lamee.. lol keep poking me.. pop by one day k?
Zuhaili- hey zuh.. dang.. why u nvr come to 333 wif me? now i am all alone.. sigh.. nvm. have fun in ur class k? oh.. keep up ur progress in chinese!! u can do it!! yep!! =)

So that's it!! The dedications to each and every member of 207!! Remember me!! Aaron!! <.<



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