Monday, October 30, 2006

ACE Camp Day 3 Part 1

Woke up this morning fresh and bright. lawl, probably cause i slept for 9 hours? lawl. Had wet activities today. Canoeing and rafting/river crossing

We built the best raft with the tightest knots compared to the other groups!! One group built a raft that fell apart halfway through the river. Cool.. There was this spastic hornet drill. When a swarm of hornets attack you, the best way to protect yourself is to lie prone on the floor with hands covering the neck and legs closed together. It was one of the worst thing i have ever heard. Don't you usually run when hornets attack you? So when the instructor shouts, "Hornet!", we have to prone down regardless of place, activity, etc. something amusing happened. After the hornet drill, my friend said, "Oh my poor shirt." The instructor heard him and asked him to stand under a tree where there were full of mud and red ants. My friend was like, "Huh?" Then the instructor shouted, " Hornet!" again and this time my poor friend had to lie on the mud. It was either that or punishment. So the lesson here is "Never ever comment on anything while in the hearing range of sadistic instructors." Poor guy. He was pissed for the rest of the day.

We had canoeing later on. We saw a few horses roaming around the area where we go canoeing. That sight can never be seen in Singapore. The foals were so cute. So the group went off for canoeing except for me and the other guy. I could not because my wounds were not supposed to touch water. The other guy had medium rope burn. I went to play with the horses. Soon along, Manoj and Ying Zhang came over. So i went there to help them fish. They smashed open a snail shell to use the snail as bait. Disgusting people. So they tried and again, no fishes bit. i don't think any group managed to catch a fish at all. We ended up skimming rocks over the water. Real cool. lawl

wheew, dinner was okay again..and once again, it rained. Campfire was cancelled due to the wet weather.


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