Saturday, January 06, 2007

first week at school..quirky..

Wheew, finally updating my blog =) well anw, went to my class (333), the seating arrangement is kinda cool. like a U shape, except the _ is slightly higher. Yeps, weird..the center is like a space for performing.. yeps.. cool, so we had lessons on the first day?! and math homework?!!!!!!! Now that's worse than anything else.. math homework on the first day of the school term? does that stink or does that stink? XD yeps, both.

anyway, our teachers are all rather nice, classmates are all rather interesting..1 dude is born in a leap year on 29th feb(groovy..), 1 is a practitioner of tarot(savvy..), 1 has a phobia of cats, 1 has a phobia of dark, 1 likes playing mahjong and the list goes on and on..
cool, lessons are rather okay.. slightly boring.. one dude slept during chem..dun blame him, the heat in the classroom is stifling, the air is stagnant, dry and musty, the buzzing sound of the fans slowly blends into the atmosphere to form a lullaby, the hypnotic voice of the teacher drones and drags on and can one not fall to the temptation of sleeping? =) oh well..must drink tea..caffeine!! XD

omg, and the books are so heavy?! no wonder the number of young people getting hunchbacked is rising?! ARGH.. must lug all me book back on monday.. well i'll be doggone.. =)

Yeps, cool, SJI came up with a new list of prohibited items. And it's dang spastic..they added items like fruit knife(?!), envelope opener(?!!), working tools like hammer(?!!!), metal rods(now this is just stupid), screwdriver etc.. haha like who in the right frame of mind would bring metal rods to school?! XD lawl..

oh and hotdogs are no longer available in the canteen.. =( and they are soooo nice.. dang...

found something cool..

You Are 72% Gentleman
You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices!
Are You A Gentleman?

go to

kk, i go do my commonwealth now!! =)


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