Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Yeps, got back from Guangxi 1 day ago.. omg.. china's stuff are like reaaaaaaaaaalllly cheap.. for us though, not for them.. but anyway, the weather was real cooling and nice!!!!! Yeps.. had fun in China.. got stomach upset though.. lasted from 2nd last day of the trip all the way back to Singapore.. must be not used to the food there.. @.@ argh..

Food: Everything here swims in oil.. the oil here smells funny.. me pops reckons it must be peanut oil.. it smells like smelly tofu.. yeps, i had my first whiff of smelly tofu in China too.. it's real...er...smelly.. XD yeps.. the stuff here are quite okay..as long as u don't think bout who cooked it, whether he spit into it, what the animal was fed, what fertilisers did the veg receive, etc.. yep.. just eat and don't ponder.. QQ
some food are weird though. i saw one shop selling something about horses..i think they sell horse soup or something.. and they sell snake's bile in another place.. cool...

Traffic: There's a saying over there: "the brave cross the road and the timid hide."
Oooh, here's how to scream tourist: 1) Go over to a busy road. 2) Stand at the zebra crossing. 3) Wait for the green man to come on OR wait for all cards to stop.
Yep, sure fire way of screaming tourist. XD okay.. don't try that..
Here's how to get into an accident:
1) stand at a busy roadside and start looking from right to left then to right.
2) Walk forth.
3) Ta-daa.. road accident.
Don't worry, in china, even though the accident happens due to the jaywalker's fault, the owner of the car will still be blamed. . Yeps.. so just walk across the roads in a lesuirely manner and be rest assured that cars will stop, honk at u, but wouldn't bang you..unless u are real unlucky.. XD

Oh and must remember that they have 3 lanes, the extra one is for bicycles. Hmm.. getting hit by a bicycle is more embarrassing than getting hit by a car..

Shopping: Wheew.. i managed to get 2 shirts, jackets, gloves, and tea!!! i am a tea fanatic..XD Yeps, i bought a jacket for winter at only 29 RMB!! That's like less than S$6.. Yeps, but the zipper came off the second day after.. aww.. but it doesn't matter..that jacket is so thick, makes u look like king kong.. there are also lotsa hair underlining the jacket to keep u warm.. wonder what did those came from.. =P
Then my dad bought a jacket.. when zipped up, looks a bit like the mandarin collar suit u see in Mao's potrait.. @.@ but it's cheap so yeah..
And i love bargainning.. real fun..went to YangShuo, there's this Western street there..lotsa caucasians..and lotsa stuff to buy.. u have to bargain like mad cos the price they offer is exorbitant..

People: the people here are quite okay..i almost got spat on.. the spit-bomb missed my feet by inches.. lucky me.. oh and most people here don't bother to close the toilet door when going about their business..

Toilets: hmm.. most still don't have toilet paper..or doors.. even if they do have doors, the walls are so short, it could be mistaken for a hurdle.. and the public toilets stinks.. at some petrol stations where we usually stop for a break, there is this drain like channel that connects all the cubicles.. u need to squat or stand over that drain..and u do whatever u want in the cubicle.. and only after a period of time, water is released to flush away the remains..so if someone just pooped into the drain, and say.. the next flush is scheduled at 20 mins later..then the poop will remain there for the next 20 mins..so the next user will see it..but no choice.. yeps.. disgusting.. and imagine pooping into a drain?! it's not even one of those squat thingys.. it's just a narrow slit in the ground.. eww.. what if u miss? and not toilet paper or water.. so yeah.. QQ

ooh..and there was this cute girl on my tour bus!! very cuuutttee..woots.. @.@

lol..yeps.. hmm.. maybe i am going to Malaysia tomorrow.. most probably yes.. cool.. so i will be rushing to K.L., then rush back on Sunday, then rush off to class chalet on Mon..wow busy schedule.. oh noes.. stressed.. ARGH!!!

Edit: (see that paragraph up there? yeps, i swear my evil twin did it. I so did not type that.. XD)



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