Monday, December 31, 2007


Woke up to breakfast cooked by our housekeeper. Quite nice. Anyway, we travelled to the real ancient town this time. Went to look at the "Mu" mansion which used to house the "mayor" of Lijiang. It's real big inside. They have this tiger skin that the guy sat on a few hundred years of it. Didn't take any pictures though. The mansion has paths leading up to a temple which we were warned not to pay attention or money to the fake Taoist priests inside that can supposedly tell your future. Our guide said that one old man was conned into giving them RMB2888 for telling his fortune. Poor man.


Entrance to the main hall with the tiger skin!

So after the mansion visit, we were given time to go walk round the ancient town. Dad and i bought more Pu-erh!! Hahahahaha Don't you just love pu-erh? You do, don't you? Hahahahah anyway, we had to walk to our bus which was parked very far away. Along the way there was this sudden big Mao statue.

There it is! It's quite cool.

After arriving at the bus, we went to lunch and then on to watch Impression: Lijiang at the bottom of the Snow Jade Mountain. Our bus driver joined us as well. The show is directed by Zhang Yimou and it was supposed to be very spectacular. I'm not so much of a theatre-art person so i only have 2 words to describe it: never ending. Yeps, the thing just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on get the idea. The only thing i found spectacular about the whole production is the number of performers performing. Same style as another Impression show i watched at Guilin. Maybe it's because Zhang Yimou directed both. The music was blasted slighlty loud, the performers' voices were muffled and the storyline was bland. It took a whole lot of banging(tables, that is. XD) and singing just to get to the main part. I think it took almost an hour to reach there and another one to reach the conclusion. Basically the play is about this young couple that seperates due to parents and the girl runs off and commits sucide at the bottom of the mountain and the guy finally commits suicide too at the bottom of the mountain. Yeps, that's all there is to it. Along the way, they introduce to you about the Naxi people there and about the horses as well. I remember something about their horses being unique due to their small size yet hardiness. Then again, if you look at it as a whole, in which part does horses fit into the main play? Yeps, so it was pretty much a very boring and slow 2 hours till the play finished. Hahahaha Janice looked pretty bored as well. :)

After being tortured visually, we headed out of the main performing area and went to take pictures of the Snow mountain close-up. They had this big urn in which you can scribble your wishes down on a paper and throw it in.

That's the urn! People were quite urn-nest in putting their wishes in. Hahahahha Pardon the pun.

That's the snow mountain in the background.

After that, we went to White Water River where we had to change to those eco-friendly buses. While we were heading back, a fierce wind kicked up and a mini-sandstorm occured. It was dang cool!! First time in a sandstorm!! Hahahaha so i turned back to look at the sandstorm blowing over only to get sand thrown in my face. Dang. Couldn't take picture of it.

That's basically the whole scenery with the Snow mountain in the background.

On the way back to dinner, we stopped along the road to take pictures of some weird stone protuding out. No one really went down cos it was rather plain.

Yeps, that's it.

After dinner, Janice's family and our family set off for the ancient city which becomes a lot livelier at night. All the pubs will come alive and there will be people inviting you in to sing with them. Hahahaha we went shopping though. They were selling shirts with the Naxi language printed on them which was dang cool. Didn't buy any though. After walking round for a few hours, we headed back to our hotel to sleep.

The Naxi language is real cool. All drawings.



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