Friday, January 18, 2008

DAY 3 OF YUNNAN!!! (Finally..)

Yeps, finally got down to updating my blog. Luckily i kept a small diary so i can still remember stuff. Yeps, so anyway today we travelled to the old town of Dali where we finally bought Pu-erh!! Hahaha Our first "biscuit" of pu-erh since we touched down. The old town was real cool with small little canals at the side.

The old town

Our Dali guide who's from the white tribe?

Hahaha anyway, so we travelled to some weird shop which was boring so everyone kinda plotted to go in for a little while and get out as soon as possible which interrupted my "appreciation of chinese art" (cough..) Hahahaha

After that we went to a "white" village where we watched a performance and drank tea(!!) which wasn't really nice. There were 3 cups of tea that were supposed to invoke memories of some thingy but i didn't drink 2 cups at all cos they had ginger and some weird thing in it. Dang, was hoping for pu-erh! The performance was basically bout how the men wooed the girls and with all opera, it takes quite long for them to get to the main point. After that, we went to see how the people weaved and dyed their clothes.

Then we had to travel to Lijiang which took 3.5 hours to an accident on the way. Since the roads had only one lane for each direction, it took quite a while to move forward.
That's the queue of vehicles waiting to pass the site of the accident.

We finally reached the real old town of lijiang( i think the above one was recently constructed). Yeps, so we shopped around at the old town which had a campfire where you can dance around. I think janice's family joined in the dancing. Hahahah so dad and i went scouting for more puerh. Hahahahah reminds me of an incident. I walked into a tea shop with my dad to look at puerh. So the salesgirl was talking in chinese so i had to translate it into english for my dad (Yeps, me translating chinese to english for others. Where has the world come to? Hahahahaha :D )Then the salesgirl suddenly told me that she's trying to learn english as well. Hahahaha so we kinda chatted a little bit about learning english. Then when we were about to leave the store, she was like "Come over and play next time when you're free!" with a little twinkle in her eyes. Hahahahaha omg sounds quite suggestive. Hahahahahaha dang i'm cute. Hahahahhaha XD

Checked into our hotel which was the best throughout the trip. You get to live in villas rather than rooms. And there will be a buggy driving you from the entrance to your villa. Hahahahaha and a housekeeper is attached to each villa. Yeps, so we bunked in with janice's family. They took 2 rooms, and we took the master bedroom and aunt meow took 1. Hahahaha the villa even had a computer! with internet access(though laggy). There's a kitchen for you to cook as well.

Entrance to the villa.


The t.v. in our room!! We got quite a big room.

The living room in our room!! That's the creaky old bed that i was supposed to sleep on and it folded itself in on me!!! ARGH hahahahahah and everyone else was there. Hahahahaha dang

So it wasn't very late and junx and i decided to play cards! Went over and invited janice and benjamin but they didn't wanna join in so we played for a while. Hahahaha i slept on the thick and cushy sofa!!
