Monday, March 10, 2008

Quick update

Hahahaha, yes i know i've been neglecting this blog, so just doing a quick summary of day 1 and 2.

Day 1:
Was on the way to airport in a taxi when i suddenly realised i didn't bring my camera charger. Like omg. Decided to buy batteries after touching down there. Went to terminal 1. Still prefer terminal 2. Yeps, so touched down at the airport after a few hours in the small plane and was fetched by our guide. Took her car to the hotel and rested for a few hours before heading out to Wal-Mart to buy batteries. I was paying at the cashier when the cashier starting asking me something in their dialect. So i was like "Huh?". He repeated the question in normal chinese and i was still like "Say what?" In the end, i finally figured out he was trying to ask me for small change since i was using a RMB 100 note to pay for RMB 15+ batteries. Hahahahah my first conversation with a local person. Ate KFC for lunch and received a little KFC christmas toy. Went across the hotel to some friendship store to look at stuff. Staff there are quite friendly. Hahahahah Hahahaha Then went to the shopping street and shopped. Our guide actually wanted to bring us to see some bridge that supposedly symbolised the city of Kunming, but nay, between shopping and touring, i'd rather shop, which we did. Hahahaha And that's basically the first day.

Day 2:
Met up with the rest of the group. Supposed to act as translator for dad, but ended up more like a summarising translator. Yeps, went to some place where there were lots of seagulls. Guide introduced us to a poem written by a famous poet and started explaining each and every word. I didn't get any word she said, was more worried bout getting pooped on by seagulls. Hahahahahaha Then we went to play bumper cars!! Hahahahah, there was like this other couple and junx and i started out bumping each other, but somehow it kinda ended in a foursome. Hahahaha bumper cars are so fun!!

Then we went to a place to find out bout the origins of Pu-erh tea, according to my diary. Can't really remember this but yeah, it must have happened, that's why it's in my diary. Unless i dreamt about it. Hahahahaha Dreaming about Pu-erh would be the best!! :D

According to my diary here, there was a huge moutain of poop in a toilet. Can't remember that either. Hahahahahaha yea. (Note to self: Take pictures of whatever that is written in diary)

Then it was a 5 hours journey to Dali, everyone else was more or less sleeping cos they just arrived on that day. Hahaha Reached our hotel which is quite posh and we played pool!! Finally learnt what pool is in chinese.

Yeps, so that's bout it. Miss china trip a lot cos it's so fun. :D



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