Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lit Sem, NYGH MD

Went to the N6 literature seminar today at St nicks, met Teng Ping on the same train, met sudarshan at the mrt, and went together with him. Had a lecture on how to write well for unseen and presentations on the texts. SJI's one rocked!! We had a cool video with a nice song, "Teardrops on my guitar" plus a neat presentation.

It ended quite early, so took 74 to nanyang to go watch the Nanyang Modern Dance Society's "A Hatful of Stars 2". Supposed to meet fel first but fel went off with her friends so i stood there at the side gate, looking at the security guard who was looking at me look at her. Aik Hwee and Tze Han arrived later on, but they decided to go hwa chong first. So i was there alone again. Finally fel arrived and was about to walk in and almost got stopped by security guard, cos i was wearing my school uniform. Went into the school and walked around since we were pretty early and fel's friends went to play the swings. They even have swings in school!! Dang cool. And this auto gate as well.
Hahahaha yeps, went inside the Siew May auditorium for the show. The music was great, dancers were stunning, dance routines were neat, in short, the whole production was brilliant. They invited intellectually disabled kids from D'Artistes to dance as well, and i thought it was real sweet and cool to have them perform as well. Adds more meaning to the title of the show. They danced with a lot of passion and the little boy dancing was real cute. Hahahaha :)
Before the show started, fel was like "Where's your flower for Cheryl?" Me: "Oh, woops i don't have one." Yea, so i decided to fold a paper heart and write some well wishes on it. Another problem popped up- i didn't have any nice origami paper or marker pens, so had to use foolscap paper and a G-2 pen. Yes, i know, foolscap paper and a pen. Real pathetic of me. Hahahaha and i had to fold the paper heart in the dark cos the show was commencing. Luckily the paper heart turned out quite alright. Then i wrote on it and used the word "great" twice. Something like "Congrats on the great show. It was great". ARGH It should have been "It was cool/fun/nice/etc" but i had to write "great" again. I bet Ms Chia would roll her eyes and kill me if she found out that i used such english. Dang, so was looking around for people selling flowers(according to fel) but couldn't find any, so had to pass foolscap paper heart, with bad descriptions, to Cheryl, in front of her parents. I almost died of embarrassment.

Yeps, after that went back to woodlands with fel. Talked a lot about primary school life on the bus. I realise i've forgotten a whole chunk of primary school life. Sigh, age has caught up with me. Time to slow down the aging process. Hahhahaha and something funny happened at the bus-stop. Fel's friend asked fel whether i was her brother. Hahahaha like woah, since when did me and fel look alike? Hahahahaha dang funny.


$5 Program booklet! Very nicely done.

Yeps, that's about it. :D



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