Friday, May 23, 2008


Finally holidays are here! Had last training for the term yesterday, didn't have to go to school today cos i don't have any parents-teacher meeting scheduled.

Anyway, something dang funny happened on wednesday during chem lesson. We were supposed to do a chemistry practice paper and i was doing it with Bryan Lauw.

Background info: Bryan Lauw kept pestering me to tell him about the girl i like and related info about her, cos i knew who he fancy. So after his relentless pestering, i came up with a name and said "Her name is Pamela."
So while doing the chem practice paper, he wanted to know more about Pamela and he drew/wrote "Aaron <3 Pamela" on my paper. Hahaha a Bryan Lauwish thing to do.

When Mr. Kwang (our chem teacher) gave back the papers, i found this written.

Hahahaha yea, the blue heart and words are Bryan Lauw's, while the words "How about me?" in red ink is Mr. Kwang's.
Both Bryan Lauw and I was totally stunned when we saw that. Hahahahaha then Mr. Kwang was joking about him being jealous so he wrote that. Hahahahahaha

Note: There is a girl called pamela (many actually) but i don't know her.

Anyway, on tuesday the people from MediaCorp came to our school to film the chinese show "Record Challenge". SJI's taking part in some hula hoop event where we are going to compete against Kranji Secondary. They wanted NCC Land cadets to take part to make up 40 people, together with NCC Air and St John's. Since my sec 1s were taking part, i had to go as well.

First they requested a school cheer, so the 2 sec 3 ic(from Air and St John's) and i had to lead in the cheer. After shouting myself hoarse while leading the cheer, they were like "Good take, now do again, this time we filming the cadets replying." SO after shouting with what was left of my voice, they were like "Okay, once more. This time after the cheer can you all clap to show enthusiasm." Had to shout once more just to film the last clapping part. After that i think my vocal chords were distorted. Couldn't even talk properly, everything came out in a deep-throated growl. Then they wanted me to conduct a briefing while they film. Luckily Tony(St John's guy) helped me cos i really had no voice to conduct a briefing.
The producer(if I'm not wrong) briefed us on the filming procedure on that day. Basically, we were going to break the cadets up into groups and have a mini competition among ourselves after that, while they film. After they filmed the other group, they came over and film my group. I had to conduct a brain storming session while they film. Had to repeat the briefing cos they wanted to film me briefing and the cadet's expressions. They even had this part when they just film them nodding, pretending to listen to a briefing while i just stood there and waved around, acting like I'm briefing. Had to keep filming the same part over and over again. Filming finally wrapped up at around 6.30 p.m. and then it was interview time. They wanted to interview the 3 ics and 1 cadet.
The producer wanted us to talk about our experiences and learning points during the interview. The interview or the questions were not the tough part, it was the language used. He wanted us to use chinese cos we are Chinese and the air guy and i are taking higher chinese. Hahaha then we were like "How about we say in English, then you subtitle us? Cos if we use Chinese and English, it'd seem very messy". But he was like "Just try to use Chinese, don't worry". Hahahaha actually i don't see much of a difference cos if i used chinese, he'd still have to subtitle cos no one can understand anyway. Hahahaha but yea, initially, we wanted to do the interview like all 3 of us together. Then they decided it was too messy and did it individually and i went first. Had a couple of out takes due to wrong vocabulary and expression. One of the points which i had to mention was about arranging them from tallest to shortest, so i said "排他们从最高到最低". At the end of the first scene, he was like "人是高矮, 不是高低. 从那里再 re-take." Hahahaha had to do it from there again and it went on and on, most of the time i need to re-take cos of wrong usage. Then for the ending part i was like "所谓 practice makes perfect, hence I'm confident that we can make it", didn't use Chinese anymore. If they use my interview and my chinese teacher sees it, she's going to kill me. Finally finished filming at 7.45. Quite tiring but fun. :)

Yeps, anyway the show is every Tuesday 8p.m. on channel 8. They'll only finish filming SJI's segment on 31st may. So maybe on the 10th June, it'll be ready to air.
I may be appearing on the show, if they select clips with me on it, so look out for me! :D


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Quick Update

Dang comp crashed, not sure what happened. Can't surf the internet through the browser but can access msn. Weird. Anyway, dad was nice to lend me his laptop to surf the net, updating from his laptop as well. :D

Yeps, so mid years are FINALLY over, this term is quite screwed, the papers were quite tough especially chemistry, physics and A Math. Scored 58 for chinese! Luckily i didn't fail, because i was crapping throughout the 2 compos. Hahaha for the letter writing to a friend overseas, you're just supposed to write your address. But i thought it was meant for those envelopes that has a small transparent window to let the postman see the receiver's address. So i created a Shanghainese address, which didn't work. Hahahaha heard some guy even created a French address Hahahaha Next time i'm not going to think about the envelope while writing a letter.

Just as we all thought that we could relax after mid years, the school started chinese intesive preparations for the O level chinese paper on 26th may. Since most people are all taking chinese, so those taking higher chinese were affected as well, though our paper is in october. Everyday it's chinese for the first 2 periods, then chinese mock exams for the last 2 periods. That's like 3 hours 20 mins of chinese every single day for 2 weeks!! ARGH luckily we don't have to come back this sat to sit for another mock exam.

Going away on the 9th and 10th of June to Malacca for school trip. Bringing the sec 1s there. Hahahha think it's going to be quite fun, though i won't be able to share room with ron. Sorry ron, i know you want to share a room with me and conduct night activities, but mdm wants me to sleep with Kee Hao. :( Maybe next time. Can't wait for the malacca trip, i'm going to spend all my allowance shopping. :D Hope dad gives me about S$2oo, which should be enough for the 2-3 hours allocated for shopping.

Organising paintball on the 26th. It's a class gathering to relieve stress after the chinese o levels.

*If you're from 433 and currently reading this post, please remember to bring your indemnity form (signed) and $25 tomorrow for paintball. Pass it to me at any time of the day. Thanks. :)*
Yeps, need to sleep now. Nights!
