Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's day!

Spent the day at grandpa's house "celebrating" father's day with the rest of the family. It was just a potluck lunch and then just slacked around the house till time to leave.

I bought a shirt for my dad cos i think shirt is the easiest to choose and i didn't have any others in mind. Anyway, i think my dad's real cool and here are the reasons why:
1) He's quite fat round the tummy area, so he's kinda like a big teddy bear, which is quite cute and very nice to bounce on. :D
2) He's a very nice person who doesn't get angry easily; very easy going.
3) He buys me many things (Yes, I'm spoilt. :D), sometimes without me even asking for them. Eg: He went to Indonesia and bought 5kg weights back for me and i didn't even mention anything about buying weights! He's quite random too! :)
4) He understands and uses modern gaming terms when talking like "LOL, IMBA/INBA(in battle alone), pwn/pawn, noob/newb, etc".
5) He can serve up a mean plate of chicken, among other things.
6) He can play Badminton, Tennis, Squash, Hockey, Cricket, Billiards and used to take part in competitions. When he was younger, he competed in Badminton, Tennis and Squash tournaments all in a single day, though the strokes are all slightly different.
7) I found out from his school certificate that he used to be in the Debate Society and Art Club when he was in secondary school and was the captain of the hockey team as well. That's real cool! :D
8) He sings along to My Chemical Romance when i play their songs in the car. He's those rare dads who listens to MCR! Hahaha
9) He makes really lame jokes about random things and rolls his eyes when i tell him something lame. :D
10)He will conspire with me to do stuff without the knowledge of my mum. Hahahaha shhh, don't tell her. Maybe "conspire" is too strong a word, let's just use "plan secretly". He understands that guys need to go do guys stuff. :P
11) He is very modern in thinking. Eg: He plays poker with me. People of the older generation would frown on this as they think it promotes gambling and worse still; the father playing with the son. I rather play normal 5 cards poker but he prefers "Texas Hold em" style and he taught me how to play "Russian" poker. Hahaha he's very good at bluffing and keeping a straight face while i can cheat easily at cards so the poker games can drag on for quite a while. We even played at Starbucks once. Anyway poker games are very good bonding sessions and we don't really bother about what people think when they see us playing poker.
12) He responds to "Pops", which is what i usually call him. Imagine a crowd and he's somewhere around. If i called out "Dad", it's quite hard to differentiate cos many fathers are around. However if i called out "Pops", i can easily get his attention.
13) Oh and he has a very cool name: Paul, which was derived from "Fong" by one of his friends. Basically he was playing squash with a guy and they both came out of the court very tired and breathless. So the guy was trying to comment about my dad's strokes and he pronounced "Fong" as "Paul" cos he was breathless. Try pronouncing "Fong" in a breathless and weak voice; you'd get Paul! :D

Yeps, so my dad's a very cool dude and i love him a lot! :D

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Westlife- Obvious

Yeah, ooooh...
We started as friends
But something happened inside me
Now I'm reading into everything
But there's no sign you hear the lightning, baby

You don't ever notice me turning on my charm
Or wonder why I'm always where you are

I've made it obvious
Done everything but sing it
(I've crushed on you so long, but on and on you get me wrong)
I'm not so good with words
And since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

I've heard you talk about
(Heard you talk about)
How you want someone just like me (just like me)
But every time I ask you out
(Time I ask you out)
We never move pass friendly, no no

And you don't ever notice how I stare when we're alone
Or wonder why I keep you on the phone

I've made it obvious
Done everything but sing it
(I've crushed on you so long but on and on you get me wrong)
I'm not so good with words
And since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

You are my very first thought in the morning
And my last at nightfall
You are the love that came without warning
I need you, I want you to know

I've made it obvious
So finally I'll sing it
(I've crushed on you so long)
I'm not so good with words
And since you never notice
The way that we belong
I'll say it in a love song

And sing it until the day you're holding me
I've wanted you so long but on and on you get me wrong
I more then adore you but since you never seem to see

But since you never seem to see
I'll say it in this love song.

Back from malacca.

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Paintball on thursday was cancelled cos Bryan Lauw decided he could not come and Xiangan was grounded. Could not meet the minimum number of players required to play which was real wasted cos the weather was so nice. :( But Keith, TzeYang and i decided to go and play pool at The Grassroots Club.

I arrived like 10 minutes late cos the bus wouldn't arrive. Sorry guys! Because of me, we arrived too late; all the tables were taken. So i wanted to go Le Meriden to play but Keith suggested going to his house to play. Flipped a coin and we were off to play at Keith's house. Ate at The Naked Fish Shoppe at Grassroots, had the set lunch which was quite cheap and nice. :D Wasted quite a bit of food cos i ate 3 pancakes earlier on in the morning. :(

Finally reached Keith's house and went to the clubhouse to play pool. The table had a big hole and one of the cue sticks was missing the ferrule so we had to share sticks. But it was free so yea. After our booking ended at 2, we decided to go play tennis. Hahaha Keith went to change and take the rackets out. Keith and Tze yang teamed up against me! They ended up hitting a few balls out of the court. Tzeyang had to leave earlier as he had to rush for tuition so keith and i decided to hit the gym. Met Keith's hamsters which were as sleepy as him. Did some upper and lower body workouts and went off when Dad called me. Remember that report of this german expat who drowned in a pool due to the powerful suction force of the jacuzzi? I saw that very pool he died in. Noticed it was closed and asked Keith. It's been closed over a year now. Not sure if they have already changed the water cos the pool is still filled up. Should be quite scary to walk past at night. Anyway quite a fun outing though it was a little like a P.E. lesson. :D

The stick without the ferrule. Tried using it, doesn't work as well.

Tze Yang

I've no idea what we were doing.

Keith Federzzz waiting to hit some balls.

Tze Yang gearing up to serve an ace.

Group picture after tennis! The camera was angled way upwards.

After pool! We had to share that cue stick.

Oh and guess what i found at Keith's house?

The sucker fish got assaulted by the other fish. Its guts were floating around the water.

Found this in Keith's room. Hahahahaha quirky find.

Will be away on a short trip to Malacca on the 9th and 10th June!


Monday, June 02, 2008

Chinese drama, Filming, group study

Happy holidays people! Anyway, went for Felicia's chinese drama production on 24th May. Met up with Meifeng and Yingyu at Woodlands. Took 961 to Nanyang and suddenly Tze Han appeared! Yea, met Ron, Ed, and Haopu at Nanyang. They were playing on the swings. (?!) Yea, started pointing at some dots in the skies. We were quite bored waiting. Edmond went to check out the story about why the auditorium is dedicated to Siew May. Anyway John finally arrived and Ed met him for the first time. Sounds kinda wrong. Went in for the show and almost instantaneously, John whips out his Social Studies notes and studies. That's why they call it Social Studies. You're meant to study it while socialising. Get it? HAHAHAHHAHAHA

Yeps, the show was real nice and funny though i missed out a lot of parts. The performers were rapping away and my brain was trying to translate as fast as possible. I think i overclocked my brain. So missed out quite a bit in between in the process. Yeps, after that went back to woodlands. Was at the bus stop where we saw this lizard with another lizard's tail in its mouth. I thought it was because the lizard was hungry, but Yingyu thought otherwise; thinking along lines of sex.
Went back to Woodlands, had Macs for supper. Yea and went home after that.

Right, so on 31st May(Saturday), went to film the final stages of the competition. Met the 3 hosts, Pornsak, Guo Liang and a new comer. We were competing against Kranji. It was quite embarrassing for us since we didn't have any posters; they came with 3 really huge printed posters. They had more supporters then us. YanQiang and i had to lead our side in doing cheers and Pornsak joined in the clapping for the "Warpath" cheer. We did "Warpath", "Hey Joseph", "J-O-S-E-P-H-S", "Glorious Green", "North South East West" and finally "Hail Hail Alma Mater" cos we didn't have anything else to cheer. I can't reveal the result of the competition now so you guys will have to watch the show on Channel 8, Tuesdays 8p.m. nearing the end of June. The date for airing has not been confirmed yet, but just keep your eyes peeled for the advertisements. :D

After filming, went for group study at Woodlands library with Yingyu, Meifeng, Cheryl and John. It was too quiet. I need a little bit of noise to study. Hahahaha oh and yes, i do talk to myself. Only when i'm studying (not very often) and when I'm alone. Hahahaha Cheryl left at 5 plus after finishing her chinese essay, which was 4 pages long! Mine is like only 2 pages. :P Yeps, i managed to finish my A Math worksheet, Physics SPA skill 3 plans and 1 Bio Paper. That's like the most amount of work I've done in a single day in my entire life!

The play titled "Find X Dream"

