Sunday, July 27, 2008

The Gathering Of Kindred Spirits

Finally updating this blog. Went for "The Gathering Of Kindred Spirits" held in SJI on Friday night. Wow, i regretted missing the one that was held when i was in secondary 2. Definitely one of the best events in SJI, unfortunately it's bi-annual.

This year's was special. My class had 8 people performing, forming 2 bands with George, Amos, Nigel, Benj Chin and Hari in the band "Black Panelle" and Tim Chan and Wei Jee in "Banana Pancakes". Sean Sim was one of the 3 emcees. So i had to go and support them!

We also had around 15 students from the Beijing No.8 Middle School here for an exchange program, singing "Welcome To Beijing" which i think is one of the Olympics Theme Song. I've never heard the song before. They had a slide show on the major attractions in Beijing while the song played. Real cool to have them perform for us. Rather timely arrival.

So after theirs was Christopher's piano performance with some other guy and it was real good. I remember when i was young, which happens to be a long time ago, we used to have a piano at home. My parents left it right smack in the living room hoping that i would bump into it and get interested in learning the piano. Alas the only interest i had it in was sitting on the chair so they gave it away. Hahahaha i must admit I'm terrible at instruments, no talent in music. I remember those days when we were forced to learn the recorder. :(

After that was a dance item which was pretty slick though Keith beside me was complaining about looking at guys dance. XD He was eagerly waiting the CHIJ TP dance segment.

After a couple more dance items by the Tamil Language society, a mixed groups and SJI guys, it was finally the CHIJ TP dance segment. I think we chose the correct day to attend. Their routine on Friday was titled "Bad" while the one on Saturday was titled "Sage". :) The "Bad" routine brings a whole new meaning to the word "HOT". It was just sizzling and one of the best, if not the best, dance performance of the whole evening. XD I should have gone for Euphoria, the TP dance concert held recently.

After the very short dance item by the girls which was quite sad cos all the other dance items were longer, it was a presentation by CARE, a foundation dedicated to helping AIDS patients. The presentation kinda brought the temperature of the room back to normal (earlier on, the girls had almost brought on immediate global warming). The presentation went on for about 7 minutes about the plights of AIDS patients.

The music ministry sang and it was time for intermission.

After intermission, khairul came looking for us and wanted us to go up and sit with them. He was like "The TP girls are behind us!". To which Keith and i didn't believe initially until we went up and verified. So we decided to change our seats and moved up to get a better view of the stage. Not to get closer to the girls or anything, just wanted to get a better view (of the stage, of course). :D

Hahahaha the girls were screaming each time the emcees introduced a band. And i have a feeling they were purposely leaning forward each time when they screamed so they could laugh at us cringing. But it's fine with me. :D

Ms Daisy Chia, our form tutor, performed! I was shocked when they announced that she was going to sing. But she sang real well!

Mr. Simon Ho, the other form tutor, was kind enough to subsidise our tickets so we only paid half price. Dang should have bought the ticket for Saturday as well.

Anyway, i think the best bands for the night were Black Panelle and Banana Pancakes, not because they were from my class, but because they truly rocked the stage. Screamed for them until i went hoarse. Hahahaha 433 ROCKS!!


Beijing Students

Emcees for the night, Sean Sim on the left.

Dancers from the Tamil Language Society

That's about all for Kindred. Hopes Kevin still has some so i can grab from him. Yeps.

you should have come, i'm sure you would have enjoyed it. oh well.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

TV, Anniversary Parade, Chinese Oral

Yeps, anyway, to many who are wondering why i appeared for only a few scenes on the TV show on tuesday, it's because the producer used Mr. Marcus Koh's interview instead because he was the most fluent mandarin speaker amongst us or rather he was the only one who could speak proper mandarin and not mix any english words in. If they had used my interview, you would have thought that it was the Korean channel showing, not channel 8. XD

Oh and SJI could have won if not for all that pauses(some were legitimate while others not) Hahahaha and i think our welfare won the other schools. Our participants were treated to pizzas, KFC chicken and wide buffet spread, while Kranji was shown giving their participants dumplings.

Yeps, once again, everyone is cordially invited to the SJI's 156th Anniversary Parade.

Venue: St Joseph's Institution (38 Malcolm Road)

Date: 05/07/08 (This coming Saturday)

Time: 1800 (for the Anniversary Parade Segment)
1630 (for the Passing Out Parade Segment)

Guest Of Honour: Mr Matthias Yao, Mayor South East District

Reception will be provided to all guests (a wide spread nonetheless). :D So do keep your saturday evening free!

Anyway, today was chinese oral for most in my class and i decided i should try and help them by predicting the question. So i took William's oral book and flipped to a random page, which question was on "Racial Harmony". Hahahahaha So i proclaimed that Racial Harmony would be coming out as the question. Initially no one believed me but eventually they realised that racial harmony has not yet be tested, racial harmony day is fast approaching as well and racial harmony is an integral part of Singapore's society. So it kinda dawned on them that racial harmony could come out and many didn't study for it. Hahahahaha and that's only my first prediction. My second prediction was that my first prediction would be wrong! Surprise,surprise, my second prediction was correct! :D The topic for today was on increasing prices and inflation. Yeps, so if you need my help in predicting exam questions, feel free to contact me. :)


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

AP, TV show

Yeps so to those of you who watched the channel 8 show at 8p.m just now, you might know that SJI lost BUT we set out to achieve what we planned so you should still be proud of SJI! Oh anyway, i'm the guy in the green camouflage fatigue with a black drill stick under my arm.

Anyway, i would like to invite all of you reading this, your family and basically anyone to the 156th Anniversary Parade. This parade marks the stepping down of the Secondary 4s and the hand-over of command to the incoming Secondary 3s leaders.

Venue: St Joseph's Institution (38 Malcolm Road)

Date: 05/07/08 (This coming Saturday)

Time: 1800 (for the Anniversary Parade Segment)
1630 (for the Passing Out Parade Segment)


I'll be standing in the ranks of the Guard Of Honour Contigent. Should be front row and just next to the NPCC contigent.

Yeps, so if you are free on that day and would like to experience the rich history and culture of the SJI Uniform Groups Order, please feel free to come and immense yourself in our splendour and perhaps, you can consider sending your son to SJI and making him join a Uniform Group Order. :D
