Friday, October 17, 2008

The Script- Man Who Can't Be Moved

Thursday, October 02, 2008

MAJOR UPDATE! Birthday, 156th Anniversary Speech & Graduation Day, Sec 4 Paraliturgy & Farewell Assembly

Apologies for not updating this period, very busy. Anyway yea birthday was on 22nd September, the day we all got back our prelim scripts. But let's not discuss the prelims now. I would like to thank everyone for their wishes and for the presents. I'm now of legal age! *Cough... So yea this birthday is like the best ever.

On 20/09/08 was the 156th Anniversary Speech & Graduation Day. Guest of Honour was Prof Tan Chorh Chuan and the whole ceremony was very formal and nice. A few days before, we were made/requested to write letters to our parents who would open it on the day itself. There was a template provided so everyone followed it. Saw many parents crying/laughing while reading the letter. Very touching words. My letter was mailed home since my parents didn't attend the ceremony. The ceremony started with a prayer, speeches, songs, the presentation of awards and more songs. Everyone in the whole cohort had a chance to go on stage and collect their envelopes which contains their CCA record and certificates. The whole thing was videotaped and hopefully it will be delivered to those who ordered soon.
Yea so after that, the majority of the class headed to Seoul Garden at Takashimaya for a treat by Mr. Simon Ho and Ms. Daisy Chia, the best form tutors ever. Hahaha something dumb happened. I was walking with Mr. Ho through Taka to Seoul Garden and he asked me, "So Aaron, where are you going after 'O' levels?" I was like, "I'm not sure cos my parents haven't decided yet, maybe China or Europe..(after 2 steps..). Oh wait sir, are you asking about my travel plans or which JC I want to go?" Him, "Err, JC?" Me, "OH". Hahahahaha dang funny. It's like asking someone about the traffic and he talks about ERP. Not much of a link. :D
While at Seoul Garden, something dumb happened again. William, who was scared of the hot oil spurting out, pulled his elbow back, toppling the plate of freshly cooked bulgogi beef that i was holding onto me. After that I banned him from cooking and cooked everything for him. William is a dang funny guy. Once on the track, he turned to me, lifted up his pant leg and said, "I realised I forgot to wear my socks today." Me, "?!" How do you wear your shoe and forget that you have forgotten to put on your socks? Hahahahaha very amusing guy; he will be missed.

Moving on to the Sec 4 Paraliturgy & Farewell Assembly, which was held today(02/10/08). It's the informal cousin of the Speech 7 Graduation Day and marked the last official day of our 4 years schooling in SJI. Our class T-Shirt could not get rushed out in time so we just wore our uniforms. Then again, it's not the shirt; it's the spirit the shirt embodies. Almost all the classes that had a shirt ordered black T-shirts. It started off with a prayer session led by our chaplain, Friar Michael, who made us reflect on our journey through SJI and write it down on stars which will remain strung up for the rest of our 'O' levels papers. Very motivating. The farewell assembly that followed had the rest of the school population joining us. We sang songs together for the last time as a school. Congratulations to Fintan for winning Best House, Ruizhi for being the first to win both Junior and Senior Josephian awards, Lionel for winning Best Sportsman of the year, Aik Seng, Nigel, Sassin and Ruizhi for being awarded the LaSallian Distinguished Service Award.
Yeps, so after that ceremony, we went back to our class for the last time. Stripped the class bare of everything so that the sec 3s can make it their home next year.

To Mr. Simon Ho, who will be posted to MOE HQ, thank you for everything you have done for our class in your capacity as our form tutor and more. You are one of the best teachers I've met and I'm proud to be in your first and last graduating class. I'm sure everyone will miss you. :D
To Ms Daisy Chia, our form tutor as well and one of the few brave female teachers who volunteered to have your head shaved in the name of charity. I admit that I don't have the courage to shave my head and I'm a guy. Hopefully one day I will be able to emulate your act. I'll really miss your english lessons where we discuss everything under the sun though our visit to a publishing house never really happened. Thanks for being such a nice and caring form tutor! (Please send your sons to SJI!)
To 433, undoubtedly the best class and the most talented among all the other talent classes (cough), I love all you guys and all the best for 'O' levels! :D I shall reserve the farewell messages to the rest of the class after 'O' levels end!

Friar Michael leading during paraliturgy

Our Head of Level, Mr Jeremy Liew, giving his speech with the school theme for 2008 "My Talents, My Interests - Making A Difference"

Class lining up for the year badge presentation. The badge is a miniature school badge with "Class of 2008" etched in the scroll.

Mr. Ho pinning on the badge for me. Hahaha i got to hug him and Ms Chia after that! Hahaha Ms Chia has a very motherly hug, that pat-pat kind of hug. :)

String of stars filled with everyone's reflections, i think the pink one is mine.

Mr Benjamin Lui, our principal, addressing us for the last time. A bittersweet thing cos finally I don't have to endure his speech yet I will miss his long-winded speeches that have no link to what he's trying to say. :D

That bell welcomed or "rang" us in when we were all sec 1, and that same bell has "rung" us out now. A unique tradition of SJI. I managed to capture a video of the bell ringing; i'll be willing to send it to those who request for it to keep for your collection! (Just don't mind the butt that appears towards the end) :D

I'm finally a member, albeit an associate member, of the SJI Old Boys' Alumni(SJIOBA)

My testimonial from the rest of the class. Hahahaha many interesting entries here:
1) Bryan Lauw confessed that he loves the hugs I give him!(then again who wouldn't?) Hahahaha Not that I'm gay or anything, just that Bryan Lauw is dang adorable! :D
2) QiJian wrote something about liking a girl called min, which i don't! Hahahaha
3) Hahaha many people wrote "smart" which I guess is quite true, just that they forgot modest as well. Nay just kidding! Hahahaha Benj Chin wrote something about "smart slacker who is sure to score straight As for his 'O' levels". Hahahaha NOT true. The only As I think I'll get on my cert are those in my name, Aaron, which does not appear on the cert anwyay! Dang, I need to add the "Aaron" behind sometime soon.
4) "Funny guy. But you're so corny you could be a farmer!" WHAT?! Hahahaha I think it's Khairul who wrote that. He's the only guy I know who writes his "a"s like "a", with the extended tail upwards. Hahahahha quite a funny line.

Something from the teachers. If fel see this and the title, I have a feeling that she's gonna say something about the "Mr. Organiser" part. Hahaha :D

My math teacher's, Mrs Tan Eng Hong, words to me. Something about reaching out for the stars, sounds like some dance performance. Hahahaha Mrs Tan rocks! Best math teacher I ever had! :D

The best class ever! This was part of the decoration of our class board. Exactly what it says, "34 of the best, English TDP". Love you guys!

Reflection: I remember I wanted to go to Hwa Chong for obvious reasons, but couldn't due to my PSLE score. So I went to SJI and have never looked back. If time could rewind and my PSLE score increase, I would definitely choose SJI over HC anytime. Doesn't matter if SJI doesn't share IP with Nanyang or if we didn't have IP and had to take O levels or if it could increase my chances in my love life(because it wouldn't) I would still choose SJI anyway I probably wouldn't fit into HC and I can't imagine myself promoting HC.
However SJI is different. I fat ( the alternative past tense of fit as coined by me, not exactly a proper word but yea) right in almost straight away. Met plenty of good people, made many friends, met people from all walks of life and went through so many things that has made me stronger. Of course, not saying that HC does not do the above, but I guess they do things totally different from us. In SJI, we try to abide by the Lasallian ethoes of Faith, Service and Community just like
our Founder, St. John Baptist De La Salle, did. He sacrificed everything for "the last, the lost and the least." I'm proud to be a Josephian and hope to be a true Lasallian one day. Ora et Labora
I shall reflect more on my time in SJI after 'O' levels, so till then!
