Thursday, March 29, 2007

omg, we got second for 4X200m this time round.. DANG.. hahah but nvm, it's all for fun!!! wheeeew.. yeps!! hahaha i was like ow, my ass is hurting after all that running.. then wenhan was like ur ass hurts? no it's ur calves muscles that do..they are connected to ur ass bone though.. hahaha dang cool.. and everyone seemed to be in bio mode.. khairul was like pointing at my major bones and reciting their names.. hahaha cos he's in St John's.. then he went on to my back.. quirky..

and like omg.. she's sooooo dang obtuse.. she questioned whether i contributed anything for the math poster.. and yes.. i did basically 99% of the whole god dang thing.. i realllllllly hate her a lot!! she's like some balmy, asinine, daffy, harebrained old bat.. she really takes the cake.. =((

yeps, and i bought the present!! hahaha lolz..quite cheap.. k now to go send it.. hope she likes it!! :)


Tuesday, March 27, 2007

WHEEEWW!! 333 BAGGED 2 out of 2 WINS TODAY IN TRACK RELAY EVENT DURING P.E.!! that's so dang cooool.. we won other classes in the 4X200m and 4X300m event!! dang cool.. hahaha the 4X300m team consisted of Sean, Timonthy, Ruizhi and John Tan W.K. and the 4X200m consisted of William, Edward, Amos and Aaron(that's me!! hahaha) dang, i ran dang slow today.. cos i was like running before the event started then the latic acid built up.. oh wells, hope we can have more of this soooon!!

only sad thing is we were supposed to play hockey today, not run.. hahaha but it's fine.. Hockey's dang fun.. hahaha i scored 4 goals in 10 minutes.. (EGO) XD but yea, it's dang fun!!

lalalala.. and omg i just discovered a deep dark secret that threatens the stability of something!! like omg!! but i will never reveal that secret.. NEVER!!! err.. okay.. i need to go now!! =)


Sunday, March 25, 2007

back from company camp and grandpa's birthday!! wheeww, our new lecturer for diploma is quite nice!! he got lotsa great stories to tell and is not strict at all!! =) zomg, the contents of the file that they gave us seems to be thicker than usual. lolz, and he admitted that he had the exam questions with him and showed us the cover page. dang cool!! hahaha

dinner was quite nice.. cousin brought along his girlfriend.. hahaha we kinda forgot her name after a while but remembered it later on.. yeps cool.. and i tried my hands at tea leaves reading today!! cos we were all talking bout tarot and all and i happened to remember the tea leaves thingy from harry potter so yea.. i tried thinking of a question while swirling the tea cup with a bit of tea inside, before letting it settle. hahaha i got a "Y" looking shape, which i intepreted as yes. Just to be sure, i swirled again and got a "n" shape, which i intepreted as no. So i decided on best of 5 swirls. finally on the last swirl, i got a "Y" shape. So it's 3 positive against 2 negative readings. To conclude the answer to my question, i intepreted it as a "maybe" which means that whatever happens depends indirectly on what i do.

Yeps. hahaha then, i started swirling tea leaves again, this time to get 4 numbers for 4-D. hahaha XD i had to swirl a few times on some numbers cos the tea leaves will settle in an inlegible pattern. and i got 9965!! hahaha so i told my aunt my readings and they all started buying into it. hahaha in the end, the tea leaves were wrong. XP woops...

yea.. and omg my math teacher is dang...... i was away for my dental appointment on friday.. so i was not in class.. william and another guy were talking.. all 3 of us seat all the way in front with the teacher's table just a few metres away from us. yeps, so i was not there at all.. however upon hearing the noise, she said, "Aaron and William, stop talking." yeps, this doesn't make any sense at all.. the best part is, i'm not even anywhere near the class.. but lo and behold, i got dragged into it.. she's obviously stereotyping here!! any source of noise: Aaron.. so dang biased.. =(

oh and for the surds test, she was like "oh since xiangan got 9/10, all of u should get full marks!" just because xiangan's math isn't very good, doesn't mean he's stuck like that forever or he will surely do badly for every test. so dang spastic of her.. and i need to face her 4 days a week for over 1 year. dang.. blame it on my luck, or rather, the lack of it.


u seriously need to be more sensitive to other people's feelings.. there's a difference between entertainment and defamation.. u are supposed to be matured since u are reaching adulthood, but somehow there isn't any maturity in u at all.. go figure

Thursday, March 22, 2007

wheew.. k there's NCC company camp tmr till saturday, and the good news: I'M GONNA SKIP 75% OF THE WHOLE THING!!! wheew.. so fun!! i won't be sleeping over!! =D

so we went to SAFTI to do our individual marksmanship training test today..and i passed!! dang, i only needed a few more points to be a marksman.. that'd be coool!! XD i got a few headshots of the target which is only like 1.2cm by 1cm on the screen. wheeew.. and i'm so haappy cos we are going to take over the seniors next week.. that'd be very fun for us and a torture for the sec 1 and 2s.. hehheh :P

lalala.. and omg, my math teacher is daaaaaaang biased. and this is not just my opinion, it's the shared view of many others.. today she indirectly picked on me!! she was going through some notes that were given before the holidays so everyone was slightly puzzled by which she was going through.. i searched through my bag, pulled out the same set of notes. she noticed it and said, "Since Aaron has it, all of you must have it too". i was like okay.. for a moment than the realization of that being an indirect insult hit me!! and i was like what the...

then she's biased against khairul too.. some dude said his worksheet was missing and khairul, who sits beside that dude and has suffered under her, was just sitting there doing nothing. she walked over, looked at khairul and pounced on that poor defenceless boy, and exclaimed, "Khairul Ashraf, did u take his worksheet to copy?" and poor khairul was like "what did i do?" suddenly, miraculously the worksheet appeared, no not in khairul's hands but was found by some other dude sitting all the way to the right of khairul. and then, she walked off.

she's just so god dang biased!!! ARGHHH... many defamatory remarks come to mind when i think of her.. ARGH.. =(( and she gave many people including me a green form (a kind of reflection form for minor offences) just because i did not hand up 2 assignments.. and she writes under offences section that i talk in class.. like duh... i'm supposed to just keep quiet? and she needs to realise that a conversation arise because of 2 parties, so punishing just 1 party is definitely incorrect.. unless it's her clever deduction that i talk to myself, which i must admit, is real clever of her. She should have punished the other party, which is jeremy.. just because he's better in math, that's why he doesn't get it.. and it's not just jeremy, she's treats people who are better in math nicer than she treats the rest of us.. and she openly shows it.. seriously, i'm dang pissed with her.. >(

math is a subject that many people loathe and so, math teachers should make the lesson more interesting to get people interested in math but instead, the way she does it, i find math lessons more repulsive and apalling than before.. yea


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

cool.. we(me and jeremy) have invented a new sport that involves playing squash in class!! was adapted from 334, but they played it at the back while we, in the front.. We've decided to name it Squashz.. yeps.. highly inventive of us.. XD

So this is how u play Squashz: 1) Take a squash racket and a ball. We recommend u use a ball with a blue dot or 1 yellow dot for beginners so there is a lot of bounce which makes it easier to play!! 2) Stand in front of the whiteboard. Yeps, one player on the left and the other on the right. 3) Just serve the ball softly and play!! Yeps.. very fun.. The only one rule that applies to Squashz is that u can not hit the ball with a force of more than 10N, or in simpler terms, don't hit the ball hard.. yeps.. Oh and u are not allowed to hit the board above or below the whiteboard.. so that makes 2 rules!! hahaha it sure sounds fun doesn't it? =P

yeps, omg i got 8/12 for oral.. that is sooo bad.. cos i was kinda rapping away and all me long vowels got minced. it's like the other time when i pronouced "piece" as "pis".. yeps my "least" was pronounced as "lease" and my "sick" was pronounced as "sic". hahaha must learn to slow down..or retarding as defined by kinematics..

lalala i'm so bored.. everyone's places got shuffled.. so now jeremy sits opposite me.. and we play scissors, paper, stone occasionally.. hahaha cool i just love our class sitting arrangement.. Cos it's shaped like a U so there's space to play Squashz!! hahaha :)

k, now i need to accelerate off to study my kinematics before it drops under acceleration due to free fall.. XP


Saturday, March 17, 2007

wheew..played squash at jurong country club again today!! played with dad, and uncle robin drilled me for a while.. now my body's aching.. lalala haha i hope to wear my nike court shoe out asap so i can go get a new one!! XD i'm so evil..

i'm pretty bored now..lalala finishing up my homework.. like zomg, school is gonna start in another day!! ARGH!!!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!! omg..must meet david kwang and lim siew mai again!! kill me.. :(


Friday, March 16, 2007


i attended the Singapore Symphony Orchestra(SSO) concert at republic polytechnic today!! so coool.. it's my first time listening to SSO play.. the music and everything were great but the people watching were not.. The latecomers came in real late and created such a din that the conductor had to halt the music just to wait for the latecomers to sit down.. well, it's their fault for coming late but it's not entirely their fault for making the noise. Most concert halls/performing art centres would have carperted floors not only to create a posh image, but also as a muffler for sounds emitting from the soles of people.. however this particular concert hall has wooden parquet flooring with no carpet!! hence a lot of thumping noises were created and the music had to stop.. =( oh wells..

omg, the suit that the SSO people were wearing is dang cool!! swallow tail coats and white bow tie with a waistband.. nice.. haha, i wanna go get a suit tailored for me!! that'd be cool..even though i'm not gonna wear it.. :)

yeps so that's about it!!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

coool, i ate 2 big mac burgers, 2 apple pies, half packet of large fries and downed 2 cups of ice lemon tea from Macdonalds all in one meal!!! haha i spent $10+ at macs in one sitting.. coool.. XD so according to the nutritional chart provided by macs, i have gained thousands of calories.. =P

haha so me and dad went to SJI today, cos my dad wanna play with coach dad's idea..since he and uncle gan used to play together 20+ years ago..haha my dad lost cos he's too fat and clumsy now.. but it was fun and that's the essential thing.. nothing beats enjoying yourself despite the match outcome.. =)
played doubles with manoj against 2 sec 2s.. haha i think we won.. yeps!


Wednesday, March 14, 2007

i headed down to jurong country club today to play squash!! omg..i realised that a few days of slacking can mean a lot.. i was dang lethargic today and laggy.. played a very lousy game today.. =( but halfway through the game i started thinking of her and that kept me going.. i drew strength from the memories of her..

Oh and my dad bought me my new Nike court shoes!! dang..i wanted the mizuno or prince one and i was willing to pay for it..but since he bought it, i dun have to pay for it!!! =)haha that's coool!! so i can now direct my money to buying more cards!! =)


Sunday, March 11, 2007

holidays so far.. heheh i have been just sliding around the house slacking and watching t.v. yeps.. starting to do my holidays assignments now.. haha and i must start training my squash, instead of sleeping around the house.. XD's in malaysia now.. he should be coming back tmr..hope he buys some stuff for me!! =) haha i did ask him to go scout around for a new court shoe for me.. hope he remembers!!

yeps, that's bout it!!


Friday, March 09, 2007

IT'S HOLIDAYS!!! yeps.. it's time to recharge and rest, as mr lui puts it. then again, my holiday assignments need to be tended to and my math we had parents-teacher meeting today..went quite okay for me cos i am very good in class..XD

oh and mrs tan was dang pissed on thursday.. she came into class looking very flustered and stuff and she starting scolding everyone in sight.. she was screaming at her top of her voice at poor timonthy, who unfortunately got picked on by her.. she was almost gonna foam at her mouth in anger.. oh maht lesson didn't go very well..

omg and i think ms chia is gonna change me and jeremy's seating arrangment..haha cos we crap too much in class--->(i contradicts the statement above bout me being very good in class.. =P) haha so yeah.. it's going to be boring without jeremy.. cos he's always crapping bout some stuff and expecting me to laugh..then i will do the same back to him.. of course, we laugh all the while.. ooh cool, me and jeremy thought bout this scenario.. Imagine the teacher teaching in class. Someone raises his hand and asks a question and the teacher says, "i beg your pardon?" and the student replies, "Never!!!" Yeah.. it's gonna be dang nice if someone does that.. or if the teacher says, "sorry?" and the student replies, "accepted." now that'd be cool.. =)

omg and i realise i seriously need tuition now..esp chem.. cos david kwang doesn't teach at all.. it's real independent learning.. he was like, "Hmm..maybe i should have a class test on the textbook. i will provide a short phrase and u need to tell my which page of the chem textbook it came from. And maybe as an incentive, i can offer $10,000 as prize money.." Yeps.. now that's just spastic.. we were all just laughing at him, not with him.. ARGH

omg, ncc is dang dumb..we played a guessing game for physical training.. it's like totally unrelated at all!! haha then througout the training i was running to and fro from the bench to the squash court, play a while, then run back.. cool routine.. dang i regretted not joining squash.. then again i regretted joining ncc even more.. ncc's not only a waste of time, it's a useless waste of time.. thus i created a evil plan with others to....*secret* muhahahah

and i really miss someone..but yeah..what can i do? oh wells..


Friday, March 02, 2007

HOLIDAYS ARE COMING!!! WOOHOOOOO!! yeah.. so anyway, we did our gregorian chant on tuesday for enrichment day. It was dang fun..even better than paper cutting or caricature.. so basically, it's in latin and it existed few thousands years ago, before i was born..duh.. XD lessons with brother michael is soooo fun..he really knows how to work the students.. yeps.. so we learnt how to chant the Pater Noster or the Lord's Prayer.. It's something like this:

Pater noster, qui es in caelis,
sanctificetur Nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua,
sicut in caelo et in terra.
Panem nostrum quotidianum da nobis hodie,
et dimitte nobis debita nostra
sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
sed libera nos a malo.

Yeps.. real cool learning latin, a dead language.. Througout the lesson, brother michael was real random, talking about how the Romans invaded Britian and talking about the origins of the word "f***". Yeps, so that made the lesson realllll interesting..then we had to go practise in the stairwell leading up to the library and later on, in the library's kinda weird, singing/chanting in a place that's supposed to be silent.
Then it was time for us to perform in front of everyone.. everyone could only hear one voice, which belonged to brother michael..yeps, the rest of us all were just chanting t the paper in front of us.. XD

Yeps, omg i am still sick, visited the doctor and was given some antibodies since the normal cough syrup wouldn't work.. =( oh well..

Yeps, poor mrs tan, keep getting teased over her choice of words.. Example: "Pls listen to me as we continue over journey in solving the equation." Yeps, journey? like what? and she likes using the phrase "so lame".. what? yeps..

oh well, until next week then..oh craps, next week i have diploma exam..dang..
