Sunday, August 26, 2007

yeps, going for obs tomorrow!! hope it's not as freaky as lydia describes it.. hahahaha XD here i come wild boars!!

i think i'm more excited bout getting back from obs then anything.. somehow i would rather go for BMT then obs.. then again.. maybe not.. ahhaha at least obs will prepare me for outfield.. :)

i will miss modern civilisation, my phone which i just got back, my family and friends, my warm bed and bolster especially, my cards since i can't bring them there, my daily cup of chinese tea, proper meals, internet, t.v. and most of all: the feeling of just being close to you...

wish me luck people!! :D


Saturday, August 25, 2007

omg i can't believe it.. OBS is just like 2 days away.. :( i don't wanna go for obs.. and they don't allow us to bring army uniform for long pants.. which was what i wanted to do.. :( and my army cap doesn't fit me anymore.. and i can't find the army harvesack that is supposed to be part of the standard battle order.. and i still haven't gotten my aquatic shoes.. and i haven't written my will yet.. :( and because of OBS, they've cancelled training which means i can't play with those rifles.. :(
nevermind, i will view OBS optimistically and face it cheerfully.. bite all ye want mozzies, u will never suck out my spirit!!.. k now that was some random thingy.. hahahaha

anyway, i just got a new post.. i'm not the unofficial official armourer!! cos i'm the only one who knows how to open the heavily guarded armoury!! hahahahahahah yay!! we took the rifles out of a spin on friday.. just to get a feel of them and they are freaking heavy.. and they seriously need oiling and wiping.. and mdm has selected me and dinesh to write the article for NCC(LAND) for the Josephian annual.. and it must be submitted when school reopens.. :)

yeps, just got back from watching the last few minutes of the campus superstar results show.. the little boy won..

i would like to bid edward farewell.. he left for america this afternoon at 1p.m. 333 would always miss you and you know that!! hahahaha bon voyage!!

That's edward!!

omg and the class blog has finally been reviewed and unflagged.. seems it's a potential spamming site according to blogger.. now it isn't!!

Yeps that's bout it..


-you're wrong.. the first thing i miss when i'm back from OBS is not the sea or the sand.. it's you...

Sunday, August 19, 2007

wheeew... been designing these few days.. the pds crest and the class blog.. both of which are not quite done.. wheew and found out on friday that sji's amoury has M4 or M5 rifles!! actuall useable rifles!! so we can practise/perform pds using those rifles!! since no one is using them to shoot anymore.. yay!! so next training, we are gonna draw arms!!

that's the pds crest that i designed.. must go add some colour and stuff to it..

yeps.. omg rush hour 3 is dang nice!! i hope there's gonna be a rush hour 4.. that'd be dang cool!!


u are still the best ever..

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quick update on me life so far.. Common tests 3 are over!!! YAY!!! and i passed me E math!! 65!!! like finally.. hahahahaha Anyway, according to eugene, mdm has ordered the pds rifles which are on their way so i can finally play with a rifle of me own!!! hahahahha then we can have daily training for PDS to synchronise the whole squad.. PDS p.t. would be rather fun as well!! :P

Yeps.. met up with the 6E people on wednesday.. went to cine.. i wanted to watch simpsons!!! but ended up watchinhg secret.. omg i almost fell asleep during the show.. then the girls kept disturbing us.. hahahaha the rugby scene was real fake.. omg simpsons would have been much better.. then went to take neos.. not my idea.. but oh well.. hahahahaa :)

Can't wait for rifles.. dread obs.. :( Yeps..


-u are still the one..

Sunday, August 05, 2007

had a lot of fun yesterday at edward's farewell party.. reached there at round 5.30.. proceeded to start cooking as "Chef".. hahahha we had lots of fun barbequing the chicken wings... George was supposed to fan the fire, but he ended up fanning the chicken.. Xiangan took a bite out of one chicken wing to test whether it was cooked and threw it back with the rest.. had to seclude his chicken in a corner..but lost sight of it after a while.. so i guess someone might have found his chicken to taste abit weird.. hmmm.. hahaha yeps..

after the bbq, we started the whole performance.. we played SJI charades, where basically u had to act a teacher of a student and people would guess.. yea.. lotsa funny imitations.. then george did his stand-up comedy bout people in our class.. hahahahaha the one bout ruizhi a.k..a Junior Josephian was hilarious.. hahahahha then they started singing "Perfect" by Simple Plan, which is kinda like 333's class anthem.. yeps.. we're cool.. then it was time to cut the cake as we celebrated George's, Edwards' and er...Singapore's birthday.. hahahhaha dang fun..

The best part however was after the cake.. i didn't really wanted to go into the pool but what the heck, it's gonna be fun.. so i offered to be dunked after amos got dunked.. cooool.. timothy tjakrawrinata and keith? dunked me into the pool by lifting me up by my arms and legs and swinging me hammock-style into the pool.. it's quite coool when u hit the water.. not pain at all.. rather cooling.. hahahhhaa then we started acting like navy seals.. a few of us would suddenly surface and drag people into the pool... hahahahhaha dang fun.. but many got away cos they claimed that they didn't have extra clothes.. dang.. suddnely.. junteng's soccer ball flew into the poool and he flew into the pool and we started playing captain's ball in the pool.. yeps the pool wasn't so deep.. 1.7m so i could kinda stand in the pool.. hhahhahahaha captain's ball was dang fun.. amos tried pulling my pants down at one time and junteng was all over me... hahahahha then qijian would heckle amos by splashing water around amos.. hahhahaha we ended the game at round 2130h.. and i'm glad to say.. WE WON!!! woohooo!!! hahahahhaha next time after common tests, we're definitly gonna play captain's ball in the pool again!!

xiangan's dad was nice enough to drop me, sean and nigel home... yeps..
