Thursday, August 31, 2006


okie.. marks for this term are back..

English-67(this term the whole class didn't do really well..)
Literature-79!!!(as cheryl would put it.."ego"..haha dang could have gotten 81..the teacher wrote 22/25 for my first essay then cancelled it to 21..the second one from 20 became 19..then can be top in level for lit..hah..ego..nay..)
Geography-75(quite alright....i guess..)
Math-40?(haha pulled my average down's like the nemesis of my lit..oh win some, you lose some..)
Chem-71(okay..i think..)
Higher Chinese-48?(haha my chinese was never good..terrible..)

so went back to primary school today..yeah..freaky experience..lotsa of people coming up to me and say"hey dude!" i was like," hello, nice to meet you. Now who in the world are you?" haha weird..yep..went to causeway point after that..ordered O.R chicken chop..tasted disgusting..the fries were dry and soft, the raisin coleslaw was okay...the coke was cool..but the chicken..the mushroom sauce on it looked like thick and sticky..showing signs of mircowave..the chicken was alright..but the sauce had this plastic-ky feel to it..then went shopping..ashraf walked into John Little and tried out the deos..I still think The body Shop has the best deodorant around..expensive though..125ml for $14.50?

yeah..that's should be all for now!!


Monday, August 21, 2006

marks are back..

oh god.. received my chem and math results 71.25 for chem and lets see..err..17/42 for math? Okie, due to the unfair reduction of 15 mins, the math department decided to moderate the marks by reducing the demoninator by 8...which hath no logic to it..The math teachers almost seem sadistic 15 mins, the number of marks lost is definetely not 8!! it's at least 10? now.. considering that loads of people failed, they should add 8 to your score, rather than subtracting 8 from the 50. if they had plus 8, it would benefit everyone..they seem rather reluctant to do this..wonder why..and Mr. Anthony Khoo wanted to make the it upon 45..sadistic cur..They should have added 8!! that way,. i would have passed..then again..even if someone gets 35/ would help if he gets 8 marks added..35+8=43/50=86%..however..if you subtracted 8, it would be 35/42, giving you a percentage of 83.3..that 3 marks is a HUGE difference..why can't they just take pity on us students by giving us 8 more marks? This show the unfairness..of course..this is my opinion and it may not neccesarily be true..then again..every dude in my class feels like that too...dang pissed off at those teachers..this will only make more people detest math..which does not have a very good reputation...

Yesterday was a sad day.. my 2 hamsters died..of old sad..they're so cute..nevermind..must go get some more..

Yeah, so tended to the class plant today..hao pu was slacking somewhere else when he ahd to bring the plant out for its daily dose of sunshine..say say say..gardening is actually quite fun!! Seeing the plant grow under your tender care is quite's fun to talk to the plant..haha signs of insanity..

Yeah..oh no..guitar exam in September..god..still not really sure of the notes..quite difficult if i only pratise like 50 mins a to commit the strings to muscle memory..must switch strings and fingers like mad..Must learn 2 songs by heart..El Condo Pasar and Quien Sera/Sway..i think i will play the melody..easier than the chords..And must sing while playing..sure will sound a bit weird..say say say..i wanna get a's quite nice..though takes years to really be good..

Yeah..oh and MATH STINKS!!!

Saturday, August 19, 2006

say say say..

okie, hmm..long time since i updated my blog..comp conked out on me.. so yeah..

okie, had exams on tuesday,wednesday and paper first..that really sucked..the teacher came in 15 mins late and ended on time so the paper was shortened to (50-15) mins..bad.. i drew my graph halfway and i think i kinda screwed up my line..and 17/32 people in my class failed math..that's more than half!! not sure if i failed but looking at it.. i guess i failed..then again..maybe the math department will moderate the 10 marks to make up for the lost time is not so 208, 10 people failed, in 206, 17 people failed..that goes to show how difficult the math paper is..

On wed, we had geography..okie..a bit better here.. though i think i might have screwed up my last section on Mt Everest..but yeah.. loads of drawing in this paper..and the picture of some funnt thingy being weathered wasn't clear at i just put the most logicl answer..which is wrong..
On thurs, we had chemistry..god..lost 1 mark due to some funny what do you get when you put ammonia and water together.. i god kinda stuck here.. so since water is h20, i put ammonia oxide..haha weird..should be aqueous could i have forgotten it?!

yep..did flag day on sat..haha really fun.. went from dhoby ghaut to somerset to city hall.. haha because of the fierce competition, i went into a Bee Chiang Hiang(don't ask me why i chose this store) and changed 20 10cent coins..haha feeling a bit insecure, i went to lucky plaza to change 10 my can had a lot of coins..while at lucky plaza, Edmond stood outside the House of Condom shop..i was asking him to come but he just kept staring at the numerous adult toys they had at the display window..he finally pulled himself from the window and started describing to me what he had seen.. something like a thingy with plastic for guys.. haha..wasn't really interested in that.. he's gay.. so went to paragon next.. wow.. posh place..went to the crumpler store to look at bags but it wasn't open..Why? because it was 9 plus 10 in the morning? haha they had a sign that read "Please stop poking at this glss panel because this is not a door" or something like that..yeah..went to macs for lunch..Ed and Jeff ate went to city hall!!
At suntec, we occupied stragetic positions to collect the most number of donations..i got the most!! haha it's partly because of my generous donation of 30 10cent coins..haha jeff had the least..suddenly, MGS arrived for some other charity..then they left..following them, CHIJ STC(st theresa's convent) came and were trying to snatch our "business"..haha there was this really cute girl among them..haha talked to her for a while..she's really cute..haha..then when they went off..i suddenly remembered that i haven't asked for her name or msn yet..haha crazy and forgetful old me.. nevermind..hope to see her next time..though it's really 1/4000000 of a chance..haizz..

so blogging early in the morning..Good luck for all your tests people!!


Thursday, August 10, 2006

let's see..

wow.. so many things have been taking place in my's a whirl..

So yeah, on tuesday, we had to sell items again..and i made the biggest transaction! i sold a Swatch watch for $45..original price was $70 by the way. God, it was hell of a bargain. Mr Wong was interested in the watch that i was introducing to him. When told of the $70, he started bargaining. His first price? $40. So i tried a barter trade..A Mont Blanc pen worth $300 for a Swatch watch worht $70..Crazy? Yeah, definitely.. But i still went ahead and finally he said, "honestly, i gave away my pen." i was like "...okay?" So he made his last offer $35..and i upped it to $45 before selling it.. So not too bad..luckily the stuff were whatever money is good.. And Mr. Lui did not buy anything. He's our principal, by the way..despite lotsa persuading..he still did not buy anything..bad example..

Ah yes, a topic: Mr. Lui(pronounced as looi, not loo-ey or looney etc etc)
Was discussing this with Meichi about school and this popped up.. So, Mr. Lui is the first non-brother to be a principal of SJI(which he pronounces as SJ-ay) His monday morning speech is dreaded by many..moans and groans can be heard when he just walks up to the he will go on and on about some topic and most of the time, he will deviate from the topic can hear him deliver a whole paragraph on something and you will be left wondering: "so what's his point?" In literature, there' s this thingy known as PEE(point, evidence, elaboration) For him, it's EEEEE(e) aka elaboration^5 and evidence at times..the thing missing is: point..Sometimes he talks about your pay-rens(parents in his pronounciation) and howl(how) wee(we) can work towards a better SJ-ay..yeah yeah...zzzzzz
Sometimes, you just wanna go up there and shake him...

Oh well, time to sleep..BYE!!

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Yep, went to perform at the CCf gig on two sundays..Cool..To raise awarness of childhood cancer..yeah.. wa..some people are just so stuck-up.. i will usually go up to someone and say, " hey wanna see some magic?" and they will respond accordingly..but some people just walk by like nothing happened at basic manners..

yeah, but i had fun, jamming with the rest.. learned lot of year must go and register again!! wheew..

oh people, go to and search for hard gay..haha it's damn funny..hooooo!!! haha crazy guy.. hoooooooooo!!!

Bye now! Hooooo!!!